Monday, December 6, 2010


 So have I mentioned that I am not crafty? I try.  I try to be crafty it is just one of those things that, though I wish it came naturally to me, does not. That said: I have apparently embroidered the unicorn  upside down on the fabric. Oops!  And having absolutely no idea what I was doing, am about half way through...good thing the kids won't know the difference! Can't expect to be a whiz kid first try, I guess, huh? Damn it. :)

That is all.


Meadowlark said...

I have decreed that it is impossible to have "upside down" when involving fabric. Now, if you're talking an "outfit" or a something, I can see.

The quick fix is to cut out a big square and turn it into a frameable gift.

Post some pictures and we'll boss you around all you want!!! :)

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

No sadly it is not the fabric that is upside down, or even the unicorn sewed on to the wrong side of it.
I am 95% sure that the underside of my stiches is where I wanted the top side to be. ( does THAT make sense AT ALL??)

I thought that the embroidery floss being parted with the next stitch WAS THE TOP...yeah its not. Lesson learned. Did I mention that I am SPECIAL?

My camera and my computer don't communicate well. My computer won't read the SDHD card in the camera so I have to put them on to disks at the store first. In addition to being anticrafty I am also antitechie - technology hates me.
Who said "you don't have to be good at everything, just great at one thing?"

Clearly I am still searching for my "one thing" ;)

BunnyO said...

Wow I'm not the only one? I tried to sew a purse once.. and managed to sew it shut like a complete dumbass! Then, I attempted a pair of athletic shorts.... and managed to sew both legs shut as well. After that I decided I was not Martha Stewart. I've been so tempted over the years to get the sewing machine back out, but just haven't made it that far.

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

Oh no hon, you are not alone, I am right there with you! Sometimes things that seem easy, arn't so easy...or I just make them harder then they are. Story of my life ;)