Wednesday, March 16, 2011

wait wait wait...clean clean clean....wait .....

 We are still waiting for the nice lady to come back and deem us "good parents", the irony is that I am having to leave the baby screaming in her walker an extra miniute or two longer then I normally would to make sure all of the dishes are in the sink, or that all of the laundry -- a never ending battle-- is not laying around. I wish she would just come so we could get this overwith. I seriously clean my way out of rooms before I leave to go anywhere as though my home were a 'model home' and not a lived in thing.

I would be lying however, if I said I didden't like it this clean. I just hope maintaining it dosen't kill me.

Day before yesterday Husband, not only cooked dinner...BUT WASHED DISHES AFTERWARD!

I thought I would have a heart attack!! And his 'deal with it later' pile of crap in the yard --that I have been begging him to deal with for three years-- is gone!!!

It is true what they say, good things come from everything. 

I still contend that it is freaken ridicules that anyone for any reason could phone child protective services and disrupt my life this way. It is a violation of privacy in the name of the children and their safty. Seriously. I have nothing to hide, it is  very frustrating to feel so powerless though.

It dehumanizes people and suddenly makes everyone a bad guy. I don't want to let people into my home anymore. Even if it is clean, it is BS that some judgemental ass could step two feet into my home and decide, for whatever reason, that I should be investigated.

 Maybe it is because I don't go to church? Or don't attend 'social functions' at school (sorry, but it is a little difficult to do that with a child strapped to your hip and another attempting to run down the hall and terrorize the school). 

Maby the neighbors just wanted our yard clean, I couldn't blame them...but really??? WTF? 

When people who have as many kids as I do start telling me my house is messy --and seriously, everyone who has the same amount of kids I do, who's house I have been in...has been way messier then mine--- Then I will listen. Maby. Until then....Please feel free to mind your own damn business or if there is an issue at least have the nerve to come and talk to a fellow human and tell me what is up. That is all.

Monday, March 14, 2011

To whom it may concern:

If my house is MESSY and/or JUNKY, does that mean that I DON'T LOVE AND TAKE CARE OF MY KIDS???

Here's a thought: MABY the house is messy BECAUSE I am cleaning up AFTER 6 OTHER PEOPLE, MABY the yard gets JUNKY because I cannot do EVERYTHING.

MABY the "WELL INTENTIONED" people who can make a phone call that can DEVISTATE A FAMILY should NOT BE SO JUDGEMENTAL or if they happen to be sincerly concerned ADRESS THE ISSUE WITH ME.

Here's a thought:
 IF my dog is out ---TELL ME; Dont call the pound.
IF you are concerned for the WELL BEING of my CHILDREN-- PICK UP A BROOM, or ASK TO BABYSIT so that I can get more done.


 FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If all it takes to rip a family apart is a phone call and an address... these are available for everyone to see on facebook.

I have not  been able to look at anything regarding PARENTAL RIGHTS as I have been seriously  busy cleaning my home. Anyone with any information on this is welcome to call, everyone else: THANKS in advance for the sympathy or whatever but I will take prayers and offers of help over sympathy ANYDAY of the week! PLEASE DON'T CALL  I am BUSY, CLEANING and TAKING CARE OF MY KIDS.