Monday, December 20, 2010

Mondays suck!

 Well that was quick, its Monday again. And boy O' boy, let me tell you it  definitely felt like a Monday!! I will skip the details and just say I shamed myself again today on the externship. WHY is it that I some how manage to sabotage myself just when I think I am doing my best? Every freaking time.

I think before I speak and then...the fit its the shan. UGH. I keep telling myself  to relax and just learn as much as you can, but it seems hard to relax when trying to do something so unfamiliar, and the harder I try the crappier I do.

 I am that girl who does that thing  that you think..." What could she have been thinking?"...
yeah the answer is ...?? She wasent'.

 I believe I have a great many good qualities... hopefully enough to counteract the stupid sucky ones.