Wednesday, November 24, 2010

endless ramblings of a crazy housewife...

Well as usual the 'snowpocalypse' fell far short of  the mass hysteria. Sure there was wind, and cold but that's not un-typical of a Utah Winter. Honestly, I was alittle disappointed. Of course I was curled up in front of a wood stove making stew, not trying to drive in it, so... plan on staying in my pajamas all day and baking pies while I wander aimlessly through the house and nag at children to help me keep it semi-clean. Not that everyone hasn't seen my house a mess, believe me they have, just that 'Tomorrow's Thanksgiving'. I say "Everybody" as though we had "Everybody" coming over... Um, no. Possibly my Dad. Other then that, its just us.

But is it soo terrible to want everything to be perfect? I know it will never happen, and things will go wrong, and I refuse to be a-- (cover your ears if they are virgins)  B*I*T*C*H to get help. However, if I am going to fix mountains of food for 'just us' then they could try to keep it a little clean. Right?

In fact tomorrow, for Thanksgiving, I fully intend to pull my best Julia Child's imitation, and drink as much as I feel necessary to endure and press on with the holiday madness without having to break out my can o'woopen ass.
  On the menu: Turkey, attempted homemade stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, twice baked sweet potatoes with marshmallows and pecans, brussel sprouts, rolls, cranberry sauce... and if that wernt' enough I had to stumble across a recipe for stuffed mushrooms! Jeez... Me and my bright ideas. Yeah definitely taking the Julia Child approach to cooking because more wine is always better!


Meadowlark said...

Still figuring what to make. I'm thinking free-range turkey (brine???), sausage-walnut stuffing, mashed potatoes & Gravy (I suck at gravy), sweet potatoes - was going to roast them and drizzle with maple syrup, but BabyGirl is insisting on mashed with butter and brown sugar, so guess I'll do that - roasted cauliflower (mostly cause the brussels sprouts looked pretty crappy this year) and rolls. Plenty of wine for the cook (me!) and I think BabyGirl is bringing a couple of pies. I really didn't want to do much of anything, but got hornswoggled into it. :)

Enjoy your holiday!!!

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

I have never had Brined turkey sounds like it would be good though! I totally cheat with gravy, and rolls. *hangs head in shame* those are what MAKE thanksgiving though, I have never been willing to risk them being bad for me being able to make them homeade. Eh. Whatever. right? Happy Thanksgiving hon! :)