Friday, March 13, 2009

so sick of homework

I am only taking two classes, I go M-TH 6-10 and its kicken my butt!

The program I am in is accelerated, witch apparently means that they send me home with impossible amounts of homework. My children forget what my face looks like when its not pointed in the direction of a computer, and I feal like I should have this laptop graphted to my fingers!
I guess this is my new life for at least the next eighteen months...what was I thinking???

On the brite side, I got to stay at home with the family tonight and watch a movie...while I was doing my homework.

Looking forward to the weekend! Despratly have to get caught up on housework...and play with the kids!

Who invented spreadsheets anyway? I would just die if I had to sit in an office all day and stare at spreadsheets. I spent about two hours figuring out a multiple choice quiz about spreadsheets then when I had finally finished, I went to submit it, and come to find out the damn internet connection had been lost. I had to start all over again.AHHHHH!
I will be happy to change sheets and dressings so long as I never have to see another spreadsheet as long as I live. Can't wait to be done with THAT class!

1 comment:

It's me said...

I can't exactly say "Hurray Homework" but am glad you stopped by and that you're posting.

I'll stop by again soon. Take care.