Monday, March 14, 2011

To whom it may concern:

If my house is MESSY and/or JUNKY, does that mean that I DON'T LOVE AND TAKE CARE OF MY KIDS???

Here's a thought: MABY the house is messy BECAUSE I am cleaning up AFTER 6 OTHER PEOPLE, MABY the yard gets JUNKY because I cannot do EVERYTHING.

MABY the "WELL INTENTIONED" people who can make a phone call that can DEVISTATE A FAMILY should NOT BE SO JUDGEMENTAL or if they happen to be sincerly concerned ADRESS THE ISSUE WITH ME.

Here's a thought:
 IF my dog is out ---TELL ME; Dont call the pound.
IF you are concerned for the WELL BEING of my CHILDREN-- PICK UP A BROOM, or ASK TO BABYSIT so that I can get more done.


 FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If all it takes to rip a family apart is a phone call and an address... these are available for everyone to see on facebook.

I have not  been able to look at anything regarding PARENTAL RIGHTS as I have been seriously  busy cleaning my home. Anyone with any information on this is welcome to call, everyone else: THANKS in advance for the sympathy or whatever but I will take prayers and offers of help over sympathy ANYDAY of the week! PLEASE DON'T CALL  I am BUSY, CLEANING and TAKING CARE OF MY KIDS.


Anonymous said...

During my little visit over the weekend that I so rudely dumped on u because I needed to talk and didn't think about the fact that we all have our own shit to deal with and its hard enough to do that, I learned that people who do things like what they did to you over this weekend are only doing so because they are so uncomfortable with who they are that they feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel like they are not shitty... It is harder than it sounds, but I also learned the fact that I don't care what you think about me... I'm gonna do and be ME and if YOU don't like ME then who the hell cares ya know? When it involves family though that is when I get defensive and wanna kick the shit outta someone because they don't know what you are going through and struggling with, let alone know how hard it is to keep up with five kids and a husband and house work and yard work and whatever else you need to do i.e. finding a job to work at to utilize the degree you just earned... I think I wanna kick the shit outta someone because they are ignorant to what WE go through because their life might be so much easier than ours is.... I am not saying take it with a grain of salt by any means because this is a BIG thing, but YOU ARE A STRONG WOMAN, AND AN AMAZING MOM AND FRIEND IF I MAY SAY SO, SO I KNOW THAT YOU CAN GET THROUGH THIS THIS... I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR HAVING A FRIEND LIKE YOU, AND I THINK OTHERS NEED TO STEP BACK AND TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR LIFE AND HOW HARD YOU WORK AND THEN MAYBE THEY WON'T BE SO DAMN JUDGEMENTAL... I love you like a sister more than a friend and I admire your strength... I wish I were as strong as you... Maybe then I would not have ended up in the situation I was in this weekend...


Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

Thank you sweetie! Love you too, I have decided that some people are just noisy assholes. And that is fine, I am sure that person really thought they were helping. But spending two miniutes at someones house is not something to base any conclusions off of. I know I am a good mama, and so does anyone who knows me or cares to actually find out. I am the same; I don't care what people think. Sometimes to my undoing. Sorry you had such a crummy weekend honey, hopefully it was healing as well. I actually like having the house 'this clean'; seems unnatural to do the dishes RIGHT AFTER we eat, but ;)