Friday, March 27, 2009

It was a raging success...

We were the talk of second grade yesterday! All of my worrying was for not. My kids were great, my five year old held my little one year olds hand...and my two year old sweetie carried the chick.As I trudged through the endless parking lot and to the far end of the school, after them carrying the rabbit cage filled with one freaked out chicken.

Inevitably, we were mobbed by kids of every size and shape both on the way to and from his classroom. And come to find out, the teacher had invited another class in for the chicken viewing. Fortunatly my son is more of a ham then I am, and I believe enjoyed every miniute of the undivided attention.

Also, I passed my computer final!!

I got an 86%, and honestly I was just so relieved that I woulden't have to sit through that class again I didden't much care that it really is a good grade!

Also I think this will be the first weekend in three months that I haven't had homework! Corse I know I will have two new classes next week, and will have to start from scratch all over again with mounds of home work...Guess I better enjoy it while I can!

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