Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I have been trying to find time to clean the house...before it gets too out of control. Our crazy schedule is still kicking our butts... My daughter fell asleep in the van on the way home from school on Friday...poor kid. Today is no-preschool day. I don't really understand why but apparently they don't conduct preschool on Wednesday...go figure. I am definitly not complaining though! In fact, I am still in my PJ's. And I have no big plans to really go anywhere at all today. I plan on wandering the house all day in my pj's, and gradually picking up all of the toys that get scattered from one end of the house to the other. In fact, my Darling dear hubby has traded me shifts on the 'goat milking' schedule. I now have the night shift!! Let me explain, I am by no means a morning person. And getting four kids up, dressed and fed is enough of a hassle by itself! Now add milking a goat in to the mix...

I don't think I have ever wrote much about the individual personalities of my kids....
My oldest is a rough and tumble boy, who's attention span lasts no longer then the commercials on his beloved TV. I love him dearly, but am sad to announce he has my stubbornness.

Then is my four year old. My leap year girl! She is SO sweet, and dear. She is my little helper, the little mommy. She always helps the little ones when I might not be able to at that exact moment. She will pick up toys and help clean without complaining!!! She is my own little Cinderella... and she is always happy.... I miss her so much when she is at school!

Next is Chuck...(short for Charlotte) She is a mix of Jared and Bella, the older two.
She is two. She is funny and at times very stubborn... and jealous of her little brother. She is still trying to decide if she wants to be a big kid or a baby. She has just recently decided she likes dolls. We now bring baby's everywhere we go.

Markie is the youngest. He is nine months old. He has always been an easy baby, and I think he will be easy going like his bigger sister(thank God!) He is trying to learn how to walk and basically has full run of the house exploring and deconstructing everything in sight.


Anonymous said...

I thought i was the only one who stayed in pjs lol dont make sense then i would have too much laundry lol

Phelan said...

What do you mean, houses can be cleaned? Is that like the mythical thing they call sleep? You're messing with me, aren't you?

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

oh, no...please don't misunderstand Miss Phelan... The house is by no means CLEAN. The cloths are off the floor, and in the washing machine. We now have dishes in which to eat off of. And the 1 inch layer of dirt was scrubbed off of the floor.
Only to be replaced by todays lunch, hot dogs. But the cats will eat that its all realative.
I officially declare Wendsdays to be pajama days in the Lil'house! (except for the kids who have to go school....)