Sunday, September 28, 2008

We have water!

The back pasture area now has water!!! We might be able to actually grow SOMETHING!
When we bought the house, the lady we bought it from said that she had put sprinklers into the pasture....she didden't, and of course we didden't actually look. The garden area has a water spicket, that we(my darling dear) modified into a drip system...but the pasture has been without water and was just dirt and puncture weeds. My neighbor ( bless him!) rented a trencher for the day, and when he was done he sent it over our way. So the digging part was soo much easier then it would have been otherwise...thank god for modern machines.
Maby one day I will have the nice green pasture grass I drempt of when we first bought the house....
The weekend was spent filling in the afore mentioned trench. As well as canning a bushel, or so, of tomatoes so they didden't sit in my kitchen and rot. I will not claim that I enjoy canning. I dont. But I also cannot and will not let them go to waste. I guess there is something to be said for the fealing of accomplishment when you are done with an endless days worth of cutting, chopping, and juggling pots of scalding hot water around. Not to mention, the screaming children that just do not understand WHY they cannot circle my feet as I do this. BUT THEN AFTER i AM FINISHED, I can say " I did this!" And have something tangible (and tasty) to prove it.
That is actually a great accomplishment for me... I have no real talent. I cannot yodel ( wink, wink), I cannot draw, or play any instrument.... All I seem do do well is have cute kids..and I don't think that has as much to do with me as with genetics....But I will take what I can get...

1 comment:

It's me said...

:) Neither can I (wink back at ya)

Canning is something that when I think about doing it I think "ooooh, that's gonna be a lot of work" but once I get started I enjoy the orderliness of the process, and I love looking at jars that I've canned and thinking "I ROCK". :)