Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Top 100 things that I love: no order

  1. Family- No contest.
  2.  New challenges
  3. A good book
  4. Camping
  5. When the kids actually do what they are told the first time.
  6. Singing as loud as I can to my favorite song at a stoplight, and not caring if anyone hears.
  7. Looking at clouds trying to figure out what they "really" are.
  8. Writing thoughts and feelings
  9. Reading a story out loud to anyone, kids especially
  10.  Baby giggles.
  11. The feeling of accomplishment after a hard days work.
  12. Learning something new
  13. Watching a good movie
  14. Lasagna
  15. Driving other people's cars
  16. New underwear- its a girl thing.
  17. Painting your toenails
  18. Eye contact with a stranger ( x10 if he's cute)
  19. Maintaining good relationships with everyone
  20. Rain
  21. Hiking
  22. Picnics
  23. "Make up" kisses
  24. Finding $$ in a pants pocket you didn't even know you had!
  25.  Wind chimes
  26. Watching one child help another
  27. People watching
  28. Mp3 player full blast on favorite song
  29. Doing anything that betters yourself or the world in general
  30. Chess
  31. Climbing a tree
  32. Watching someone do something you know you couldn't do, and respecting them for it.
  33. Rock band
  34. Playing Basketball
  35. The brief second you look at yourself in the mirror and think you almost look good.
  36. Hanging out with your best girlfriend and having the time to "girl talk"
  37. Cloths fresh out of the drier
  38. Whistling back to the birds
  39. Getting all dressed up with no place to go
  40. Getting off work/or school early
  41. Chocolate cake
  42. Wind through your hair
  43. Days that a film comes over your eyes and your soal and you can only see, and feel good
  44. Seeing someone you haven't seen in a LONG LONG time.
  45. Bubble baths
  46. Tubing with the family
  47. Oreos and milk
  48. Green lights
  49. No traffic
  50. The ocean
  51.  Fishing
  52. Water slides
  53. Having someone you love to share experiences with
  54. Full bottle of wine and friends to help you drink it
  55. Lazy mornings
  56. Dimples
  57. Friends that know what you are thinking, and don't have to ask
  58. Saying the same thing, at the same time as someone else
  59. Curling up by a fire in the winter when there is a blizzard outside
  60. Paydays
  61. When the house stays clean for more then ten minutes
  62. Flowers
  63. Going through old pictures and having the time to remember the stories that go with them
  64. Laughing at yourself
  65. Taking friends out for dinner and a movie
  66. Knowing that they will do the same for you when you most need it
  67. Making peace with the world around you
  68. Forgiving your parents for being human
  69. Accepting that the world is what you make of it
  70. Recognizing that there are no such thing as limits
  71. Breaking free from yourself
  72. Finding people who think like myself and learning from them
  73.  The belief that all of us already know all of the answers to all of the questions we store inside our minds
  74. LIFE
  75. Fruit
  76. Kittens
  77. Singing in the shower
  78. Tattoos and their meanings
  79. A sudden great idea or solution to a problem
  80. Laughing to yourself when OTHER PEOPLE'S kids start acting up,
  81. Knowing your not alone when yours do.
  82. Achieving a goal
  83. Ice cream
  84. Helping anyone for any reason
  85. Foreign countries
  86. Amusement parks
  87. Alchohol after a long day
  88. Coffee the next morning
  89. Animal friends
  90. Yoga
  91. Sleeping in
  92. Clean sheets
  93. Realizing there are soo many adventures left you must have, and
  94. Having them
  95. Skydiving
  96. Enjoying the look on your kid's face after they have just tried something new
  97. Mowing the lawn
  98. The smell of dirt.
  99. Going to the store in PJ's
  100. Making pancakes for the ones you love.

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