Monday, December 20, 2010

Mondays suck!

 Well that was quick, its Monday again. And boy O' boy, let me tell you it  definitely felt like a Monday!! I will skip the details and just say I shamed myself again today on the externship. WHY is it that I some how manage to sabotage myself just when I think I am doing my best? Every freaking time.

I think before I speak and then...the fit its the shan. UGH. I keep telling myself  to relax and just learn as much as you can, but it seems hard to relax when trying to do something so unfamiliar, and the harder I try the crappier I do.

 I am that girl who does that thing  that you think..." What could she have been thinking?"...
yeah the answer is ...?? She wasent'.

 I believe I have a great many good qualities... hopefully enough to counteract the stupid sucky ones.



Meadowlark said...

In the end, you're the "kindergarten crafter" of externships ;)

What I mean is that you are making the mistakes or saying the things that others are wondering about or would have done had they not seen you do it and cringe. While it seems like a bad thing, I will tell you that I learned one important thing in the Marine Corps. Sometimes, the best people out there, have to draw fire. And they draw fire so that others may (survive) learn.

I'm proud of you for drawing fire, chica.

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

Thank you hon, still wish I could just not be me sometimes...ya know? I had a spaz attack, but hopefully I am better now. I go in agian today from 1-8, great for the hours sucky for seeing the kids before christmas. I essentially called a patient and non-chalantly informed then that " guess what, You don't have cancer!!" I am sure I have SOME common sense, however where it was ? no idea... whatever. I wasen't officially told what to say, just what not to say. Fortunatly the guy was very cool,( and glad)... just another day in paradise.

Meadowlark said...

You have NO IDEA. You don't know that the patient wasn't THRILLED to hear it that way. That it didn't make his day in it's honesty.

We never know when we have blessed someone, so turn around and be thankful that you're frank and open.

Ha... lecture over!!!! Merry Christmas

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

Still...not so great on the "professional level" of things, but yeah I agree, not the end of the world. ;) Thanks again love, Merry Christmas and God bless to you and yours..