Friday, December 3, 2010

highlights of the week...job interview...

Well another Thanksgiving came and went. Good food, great company, all in all a success. Success as defined by lilhousemama= nobody killed, traumatized beyond repair, no food poisoning or other lasting harm.

This last week has been a weird one. I got tired of waiting for my Dean to set me up with an externship, my last official class. I have been out of actual classes since August,  just hanging around home. I seem to alternate between being bored to tears and actually enjoying the lack of brain usage.

At any rate, I called the school and to my surprise, was informed that there was an interview for an externship the next day. Beginning to panic, immediately  upon hanging up started the babysitter search.  I was chatting with one of my best girls, while on the phone the other line rang and I ignored it.

After I got off the phone with her I checked to see who it was that had called, it was the Dean's assistant~ She was wrong the interview was TODAY not tomorrow, and in 3 hours no less.

Long story longer, my best girl dropped everything she was doing and rushed over (she lives @30 min away) and somewhere between struggling to update my crummy resume and  trying on my 3ed outfit she showed up .

The next thing I knew I was sitting in an office with 3 head honchos from medical clinics surrounding my area, but I was being  interviewed at the same time/and with 3 other people.

It kinda turned into a weird game show like, slow motion version of "Jeopardy". With all of us vying for the best adjectives: hardworking, responsible, shit she stole my answer again, dedicated, dependable.

At some point during the interview I mentioned that I had spent the last 10 yrs being a stay at home mom with 5 kids. Next question, unmistakably directed at me: how do you handle stress?  Not really sure what my thought process was here, but without missing a beat I said "I smoke a lot!"

 THANK GOD they had a sense of humor and actually laughed!!

One of them asked me "what were you smoking?"

--Me: " Not that, or I would be a lot more relaxed then I am!" 

Again, I watch the words come out of my mouth realize to my horror what I am saying and then just keep on saying them.. 

But they laughed again ( Thank god again for small favors!)

After the interview as I was nearly running for the door one of the interviewers jumped in front of me and while shaking my hand preceded to tell me me how funny I was. FUNNY! Oh I am so glad I was being funny, I just thought I was making an ass of myself!  ha ha  ha! Not really sure wether to expect a call back or not?
Pretty sure the interviewer called me a pot head during the course of the interview... interesting, not really sure how I feel about that, but a pot head is better then an ass any day...right?

That was BY FAR the most interesting thing that happened this week.

Oh yeah, and apparently we are getting another dog.
GROAN. I love dogs! Just not the wonderful and easy to get emotionally attached to, but dying ones
. This one is an Aussie Shepard, about a year old and supposedly potty trained.

Peace out dearies, hope my interesting interview gave you a laugh or two...I am obsessing over it still. ugh. Should hear back early next week.??


Meadowlark said...

I've done stuff in interviews that horrified my husband, and yet still got hired.

I'm a smart ass, guess it just shows through ;)

Good luck

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

Yeah that must have been it! It was my smart-assy'ness seeping through...ha ha!

I am just still hoping they were laughing WITH ME and not AT ME...least they know what their in for if they do give me a chance ;)

Meadowlark said...

I always think they're happiest when they can see a real personality, rather than just an "interview face".

Besides, it'll be what it'll be.

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

Yup! At this point I am anxious just to "get her done" ...but yeah, I agree they can probably smell fakeness a mile away, so they got ( gasp...) honesty! LOL

Anonymous said...


Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

If by 'tenderheart' you meant nutjob, in a hat...Yes Maam. That's me! :) But I'm cool ;)