Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Were you ever the recipient of an unwanted secret, that you coulden’t tell anyone?
It is quite the helpless feeling. I am still wondering how I got into this mess…I got up, blearily filled my coffee cup and proceded to check my facebook account on the computer, same thing I do every morning.

Why this morning then? What was different?

A friend had a juicy secret they obviously coulden’t hold in any longer, they had to share the news with me at 7:30 am. If it had been good news it might have made my day, however it wasen’t ,so here I sit stewing and there is nothing I can do with this new found information except be bitter and angry at humanity for proving to me once again, that people suck.

Hope the rest of my day is less interesting, although I highly doubt it. Today has the potential for much unwanted drama thrown my way…and all I did was wake up…sounds like a bad fortune cookie.

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