Monday, February 2, 2009

Hello MeadowLark...

Sorry for being MIA so just seems like we can't catch a break this year....(last year?) We went from my husband being laied off, to him being in the hospital, to BOTH of our piece of crap cars breaking down on the same day...what are the odds of that???
That is the equivilant of winning the lottery for bad luck, rite?

I could play the "economy screwed me" card... but the truth of it is, we knew it would be hard when we moved in to this two bedroom house with FOUR kids...and we knew that we paid too much money for it...we just neivley hoped that next year would be better....
well, that was two years ago, and suffice to say, it has not gotten better for ANYONE.

I have taken action though! I have enrolled in Stephens Henneger College, for nursing classes!(go me!)
So at least when the world goes to crap...I will be able to take care of someone I love....

Anyway...I still think of my internet buddies, I felt like I was a part of something...even if I was just sitting here all day reading about everyone'elses mis-adventures...So MeadowLark... Please forgive me for being a flaky girl...I am OH SO BUSY....just like everyone else is I am sure....:)
Just had a miniute thought I would say HI!

1 comment:

It's me said...

1) Gorgeous picture in the header!
2) No pressure to write, just occasionally let people know you're alive. :)
3) I'd love to say it'll get better, but I totally believe it will get much, much worse.

Continue to cook from scratch, prep and store.

Peace to you. Drop by and say hello anytime or email at meadowlarkgurl. That's at gmail dot com.