Sunday, December 5, 2010

Just me again.

Weekends around here have two speeds; very very slow and balls to the wall, gotta get things done NOW.

 Yesterday, and from the looks of it today, are the former rather then the latter. We lounged around pretty much all day yesterday and watched netflix. My darling dearest Hubby finally got the Wii hooked up to it, and now we pretty much have movies on demand. Think I may never get anything done again.

We finally got the Aussie Shepard pup. Well not exactly a pup, he is about a year old, so he is more like a  super clumsy pup trapped in a full grown dog body. He is beautiful and so smart, a wonderful addition to the family. The kids and I adore him. Annie, our other dog is still unsure. She likes him alright except that he is a puppy and is constantly wanting to maul and play with her. She is less then thrilled. Oh...the dog's name is "Jack" and boy did I get a giggle when I told him to "OFF"...

Also managed to go to the Wal and wander for a bit, until the point where if I did not ingest some serious xanex and soon, I was going to rip someones head off. Oh and get this, our Wal does not sell embroidery stuff. WTF? I have been toying with the idea of learning embroidery for awhile, but lacking creativity never had the gumption to commit to learning. Well no more excuses, "tis the season"!

A funny side note: husband had no idea this pg existed. Although I SWEAR I have mentioned numerous times!!~ Men! Got him thinking I am  double secret agent sneaky though...


Meadowlark said...

Hit me up when you're ready to see all my cool-guy embroidery links.

I'm pretty all over the place. Trying hand embroidery, just got a sewing machine (haven't sewn in 37 years), knit, crochet and now a new Silhouette cutter. The PLAN is a very niche-specific product line, but we'll see how far I get. For now, enjoying the tax write-off, but need a profit twice in five years for that to work. YIKES!!! :)

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

EASY is the word I am looking for when it comes to that embroidery sh-tuff. It is seeming to be one of those things that looks super easy but is actually a pretty tedious, time consuming, pain in the butt. I still wanna know how to do it. I am thinking a unicorn was not the best thing to TRY to do for the first go around.:( << insert DUH link here!!>>

If your baby dress is any indication of your creativeness you'll do just fine darlin! because it's SUPER CUTE!

Meadowlark said...

Try a few of these for ideas

I would say that I progressed the most when I stopped trying to follow a pattern and just did a sampler. Certain stitches over and over until I was comfortable with them. And I think it's sublimestitching (which is down for some reason today) that taught me a perfect, FOOLPROOF, french knot.

Have fun

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

awesome! I will definatly check them out THANK YOU!! :)