Monday, March 30, 2009

only a mother....

This weekend my Mom came over and in a whirlwind of a miniute, she had my kitchen cleaner then I had been able to in a month. Not that it was TOO messy, simply that I am the worlds most disorganized person, and clutter tends to pile because I don't know where to put it.

Despite my best protests, she had the kitchen under control in a matter of miniutes the way only a mother can. We put some chicken in the crock pot and headed out to go treasure hunting...(thift store hopping!)

In our ventures I procured another pair of shoes for my youngest,as he had been wearing his sisters old pink shoes for the last week or two. I still insist that I will not buy him another pair though, if he loses these!!

Also, I found my other son (the 7 year old) a dicky-like country boy coat that should last through a couple of kids...

In other news : my little brother got his first car this weekend!