Thursday, April 30, 2009

finally some pictures!

running away!

I have followers!! (Welcome welcome!!)

Things have been pretty hectic around usual...

I started a new class --Anatomy and physiology--(eek!) a hard class anyway, but to make matters worse, my instructor just happens to be the Dean of Health for our school(no pressure or anything.)

To make them doubley worse, english is not his first lauange, and I have a hard time understanding him sometimes...
He is wicked smart though! I have taken to typing as fast as I can during class what he is saying- so I can try to desipher it later- LOL - so sad , but whatever works!!

My hubby stayed home yesterday from work and he is still in bed, so I assume he isn't going in today either...he says he just needs a break. His idea of a break though, is fixing he pig pen,planting MORE in the garden, and repairing the roof of the kids's play house. (Wonder what he'll do today??)

I only have the one class this month(thank god), witch means I am spending more time at home. The problem is that it is a hard class and the workload is still about the same as it was when I had two classes. Only now I have to do it at home. With the kids underfoot, and hubby talking in my ear...I think I might need to find a hang-out and run away for awhile!! :)

Speaking of running away... my darling dearest cousin has instuted a "girls night out" for next friday!! We will be going to Wendover NV. Where there is gambeling...I am in Utah and we don't have gambeling...about 80% of Utahns drive 2 1/2 hours to go and lose our money in Wendover! Or as we like to call it "bend over".

Monday, April 27, 2009

spring has sprung

Spring is definatly here...what with the rain and the flowers.

We let one of our hens hatch some eggs. It was early yet, but her mother was a good sitter too, so we thought we would let her give it a try.

Only two ( of about 24) hatched. They are soo little.But she has been having them out in the pasture, and letting them socialize with the other hens.
(her mom didden't do that)

All over our little farm I now find clutches of eggs (some abandoned, some not.)

When in doubt I feed the eggs to the piglets, who are doubeling in size everyday!!
They gobble up the eggs (rotten or not) with much oinking and crunching. It is really cute to watch how much pleasure they get from eating...and they are, by far, the most well fed animals on our little farm.

The cow and goats have been left to forage on the greenery of spring. The hens and turkeys get their rations of grain pellets.

The wasps are going to be bad this year, so in an effort to mount an early attack against them I have purchased quite a few traps. And will be placing them everywhere!!