Monday, April 13, 2009

101 THINGS THAT I love an introspection...

101 THINGS THAT I ABSOLUTLEY LOVE ( in no particular order!)
Introspection :
1.) My husband and kids 
2.) Wind chimes
3.) The feeling of sun rays on my skin
4.) Playing chess
5.) Bubble baths
6.) being with my family and friends 
7.) BBQS
8.) Long lazy summer days
9.) Being all comfy cozy sitting by the wood fire place , blizzard like weather outside
10.) Swimming
11.) Sleding
12.) Being on anything that moves fast (4wheeler, sand rail, motorcycles)
13.) . Rain on a tin roof
14.) Sky diving- have to go again one day!!
15.) Tattoos
16.) Animals
17.) Waking up in a tee-pee
18.) Or a tent
19.) Smelling like campfire after you have already come home
20.) A clean house (hey, a girl can dream!)
21.) Cake
22.) Anything chocolate
23.) Babys
24.) Fresh fruit
25.) Gardening
26.) knowing where my food comes from
27.) knowing that I have a few true friends that I would do ANYTHING for, and who would do the same for me-(priceless!)
28.) Eye contact
29.) Sharing a private joke with someone 
30.) Finally finishing my homework!
31.) Watching chickens peck around in the yard
32.) The first cup of coffee of the day(at home, starbucks dosen’t count)
33.) Sharing something fun with my kids!
34.) Looking good~ hey its been known to happen!
35.) Weddings
36.) Vacations
37.) Getting …alright fine…drunk …(watch out for those long island ice teas!) in Wendover with my peeps!  (must do again soon!)
38.) Fishing- have to go again…
39.) Rollerblading (yes, I am that lame)…have to go again
40.) Getting a facial with my best girl~ girlie things are fun too
41.) Shopping for cloths- and actually finding things that look CUTE on me!
42.) The smell of BBQ
43.) The smell of flowers
44.) Laughing till I pee my pants :0}
45.) Making someone else laugh until they pee their pants 
46.) A good movie.
47.) Doing something nice for a total stranger
48.) GOOD FOOD –preferably that I didden’t have to make…
49.) People with green eyes( they are soo cool)
50.) Red hair
51.) The feeling you get when you kiss someone you love!
52.) Mowing the lawn- I know that’s weird…what can I say, its empowering!
53.) Contagious smiles
54.) Swinging the kids
55.) The feeling of accomplishment after you have done something you know was worthwhile
56.) Catching up on my t-voed sitcoms (heros, biggest loser, and my name is earl!)
57.) Talking to old friends
58.) School
59.) The sight of laundry hanging on the line, and blowing in the wind.
60.) Putting my own laundry out to blow in the wind
61.) The internet-you can learn to do just about anything on there…( honey, I’ve finished the internet! LOL)
62.) When we get our bills paid before the new ones come!
63.) The first flowers of spring
64.) The birds singing their songs in the trees
65.) Collecting eggs
66.) Washing dishes by hand
67.) Having my kids help me wash dishes by hand
68.) Ice tea in the summer
69.) Hot tea in the winter
70.) New shoes ( I LOVE SHOES! One day I will like emilda marcos and have a room for shoes…J/K Im not THAT BAD!
71.) Weed boquets
72.) Learning new things
73.) Making stuff (sewing, crocheting, anything like that!)
74.) Time to relax
75.) Watching my kids sleep…awwwee how cute
76.) Reading a good book!!( how did I make it this far down without thinking of that??? Guess it has been a while! Lol)
77.) Roasting marshmellows
78.) Anything that reminds me of being in Germany!
79.) Knowing that I did something well
80.) Fall leaves- pumpkins- the smell of burning pumpkins….
81.) Being out of the ordinary….
82.) Candles- lighting them, having them lit, smelling them….
83.) When I get to sleep in
85.) Going for walks (should do it more!)
86.) Living out in the country! (gotta love the fresh country air…LOL…)
87.) Hiking!!
88.) Freckles-- not on me, but on everyone else! 
89.) Myspace—Fine I admit it I am addicted…
90.) Cooking
91.) Basketball( playing not watching)
92.) Soccer (playing not watching)
93.) VW jettas ( missing mine)
95.) CHRISTMAS!! (who dosen’t!)
96.) Milking Nanny…something so primal about just knowing that people have been milking since there were animals to milk!
97.) Hoping we get a dexter (mini) milk cow one day!!
98.) When I feel smart!
99.) Remembering the good’ ole days
100.) Breakfast! I just love breakfast…(bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, pancakes…. MMMMM)
101.) Taking care of my family! 