Friday, April 10, 2009

spring break...( was that an arm, or a leg??)

I am dragging butt today.
Yesterday in class- we had a pracitical "mock-up" to see how many of the insturments and their classifications we knew. I did alright. The ones I missed I knew why, and it was stupid mistakes that I would have realized if I had checked over my answers before I had handed in my paper...The real practical is on tuesday.

School has just been speeding along. Most days I feal like I am up to my neck, just treading water. But I think I am actually GETTING IT! (halajula!)

Things at home are pretty much the same. I put things off until the last miniute and then franticlly run around to get them all fixed up.(damn procrastinators)
The kids are off for spring break...wish it was nicer outside.

Adam had the kids do "slave labor" all day yesterday as punishment for being little brats the night before while I was at school. Witch ment I got to follow all of them around all day yesterday and,fun. They did do alot to help though, and maby if I keep having them help, eventually I won't have to follow them around and nag.My oldest daughter cut her beautiful we had to go and have it fixed. It is a dora-like bob with the back sort of tapered down a bot. Looks super cute and easy to fix!