The last three weeks I have been a hermit. A reclusive, awnrey, nasty old lady. With a computer or a book stuck infront of her face...and now I am finished with that class, and on to the next one!
It is alittle bitter sweet. The last week of class has actually been really nice. Sure the pressure to do well was still there, and the impossible notion that I can learn everything there is to know about anatomy in one month...well, we all knew that wasn't going to happen. Rite?
But it is a baseline. I know the basics of anatomy.
Two weeks into the class I thought I would fail it, and have to re-take it.
Three weeks in I had alittle hope, and was muddeling through.
Now the class is over, the tests are graded, the pressure is off. And I am blissfully free for one weekend, before the next assult on my senses. The next, constant pressure.
We are having a Birthday party for my Hubby this weekend and I, for one, am planning to make the most of it! And party my ass off! I earned it!
Incedently, my grade for the class is an A !! ( how the hell did that happen??)
I will take it, be grateful, and run like hell!!!