Tuesday, November 9, 2010

another interesting morning...

Yesterday morning I happened upon an obviously poised and sick mouse, hanging out contentedly near my bedroom door. Thinking I had to do SOMETHING but having no idea what that SOMETHING might be, I caught it in between a tupperwear bowl and a paper plate. Due to all of the uncontrollable screaming that kept coming out my mouth, the kids had been alerted to the situation, and proceded to crowd around.

My oldest, Jared playing the part of the brave older child took the mouse filled Tupperware into the bathroom and flushed the toilet, but as luck would have it, he evidently had dropped the mouse in one second too soon, and instead of being wisked away like a TV mouse it continued to swim like hell against the current. We stood around the toilet too horrified and hysterical,to know what to do next and just hoping the damn thing would go down the pipe.

No such luck. It continued to alternate between swimming and bucking frantically for its life, and as my son was still nearest to the toilet and obviously as impatient and eager to get rid of this little nuisence as I was, he continued to flush and flush not letting the tank fill completely so as to get a good bit of water traveling fast enough to finish the job. And eventually, as though in slow motion my family watched it drowned. Still it would not go down. This was not a big mouse. It was a baby mouse. Stubborn ole thing, finally went down after a hysterical 5 miniutes start to finish. And now if you will excuse me, I think I will go and scrub my toilet., or I may never be able too pee again.

Putting another dog to sleep today. Preparing for a mentally exhausting array of emotions, yet again. We have had to do this too many times over the last few years. Our home has become a sort of doggie convelecent home, I really need to learn to say no. It is so hard to see them suffer, not to mention how hard on the kids it must be, to lose one dog after another. I cannot do this again. Besides our pasture is turning into a pet cemetery of sorts.

In other news we had another interesting morning this morning…

On the way out to feed the goats , I discovered that one of our missing, turned wild roosters had fallen and gotten his leg stuck in our gate. I debated shooting him on the spot and decided that I couldn’t shoot a trapped animal ( even if it did spend all Fall eating our tomatoes.)

So instead I covered its head and proceded to wrangle its leg from the gate. It is mangled beyond repair, and the poor thing probably wishes I had shot him. He is laying oddly in a dog kennel until I decide what to do with him next.

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