Were you ever the recipient of an unwanted secret, that you coulden’t tell anyone?
It is quite the helpless feeling. I am still wondering how I got into this mess…I got up, blearily filled my coffee cup and proceded to check my facebook account on the computer, same thing I do every morning.
Why this morning then? What was different?
A friend had a juicy secret they obviously coulden’t hold in any longer, they had to share the news with me at 7:30 am. If it had been good news it might have made my day, however it wasen’t ,so here I sit stewing and there is nothing I can do with this new found information except be bitter and angry at humanity for proving to me once again, that people suck.
Hope the rest of my day is less interesting, although I highly doubt it. Today has the potential for much unwanted drama thrown my way…and all I did was wake up…sounds like a bad fortune cookie.
A selfish endeavor designed to rid me of the crap that floats around my brain and won't leave me alone.

Still learning all of lifes lessions, one day at a time.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
This was a paper I wrote for history; got extra credit on it...go me!
“I said to myself, here are a people who have suffered for three centuries. We can make them as free as ourselves, give them a government and country of their own, put a miniature of the American constitution afloat in the Pacific, start a brand new republic to take its place among the free nations of the world. seemed to me a great task to which we had addressed ourselves. But I have thought some more, since then, and I have read carefully the treaty of Paris, and I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines. We have gone there to conquer, not to redeem.”~ MARK TWAIN
I stumbled upon this quote in my search to form an opinion about something I knew very little about, I know it is long but I also know I could not have said it better then Mark Twain himself.
The founding fathers believed that there are certain inalienable rights that all men should have out of respect for human life. America was based on such notions as: equality, freedom, and an entrepreneurial spirit. I believe that the founding fathers truly believed that through these rights and freedoms we could lead other nations to treat their people as human beings. Who have a say in what their government is doing.
It seems there is a fine line between liberating a country to help it become a democracy, and crushing its heritage. This has happened repeatedly throughout history, we start out with the most noble of causes and our politicians in their enterprising greediness, shred all dignity and tradition from the native people we claim to be helping, and force our western ideology on them. In the case of the Philippines we helped them establish a democracy, fragile and volatile though it may be. We did some damage to their culture and way of life, however we did leave. They are not a state, nor do they wish to become a state. They are a commonwealth with their own constitution, and leaders. I believe this action of simply trying to help, and then when things have settled down, coming home, is why we cannot be an empire.
It is true, we rule by force…but also fairness. Such is a democratic society.
“I said to myself, here are a people who have suffered for three centuries. We can make them as free as ourselves, give them a government and country of their own, put a miniature of the American constitution afloat in the Pacific, start a brand new republic to take its place among the free nations of the world. seemed to me a great task to which we had addressed ourselves. But I have thought some more, since then, and I have read carefully the treaty of Paris, and I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines. We have gone there to conquer, not to redeem.”~ MARK TWAIN
I stumbled upon this quote in my search to form an opinion about something I knew very little about, I know it is long but I also know I could not have said it better then Mark Twain himself.
The founding fathers believed that there are certain inalienable rights that all men should have out of respect for human life. America was based on such notions as: equality, freedom, and an entrepreneurial spirit. I believe that the founding fathers truly believed that through these rights and freedoms we could lead other nations to treat their people as human beings. Who have a say in what their government is doing.
It seems there is a fine line between liberating a country to help it become a democracy, and crushing its heritage. This has happened repeatedly throughout history, we start out with the most noble of causes and our politicians in their enterprising greediness, shred all dignity and tradition from the native people we claim to be helping, and force our western ideology on them. In the case of the Philippines we helped them establish a democracy, fragile and volatile though it may be. We did some damage to their culture and way of life, however we did leave. They are not a state, nor do they wish to become a state. They are a commonwealth with their own constitution, and leaders. I believe this action of simply trying to help, and then when things have settled down, coming home, is why we cannot be an empire.
It is true, we rule by force…but also fairness. Such is a democratic society.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I found a very old and dear friend on facebook a couple of weeks ago... She is running for Mayor of her city!!! On her page she quotes religious leaders and founding fathers of America...She stands up for her beliefs and ideals both online and in life. I am proud to see that she has become a wonderful women and will be a wonderful leader of her city...only wish I could vote for her!!
It makes me think and wonder what the world would be like if we had a few more political people in this world that were family oriented and religious. Religion is after all what the founding fathers were trying to protect...as well as the freedoms that are being stripped away from us every time we turn on the television. It is a very scary thing to think how this world might be in another 3 1/2 years when the Obama Assasination of America is finally at an end. God help us!!! God help us all!
National insurance plan??? Where will this end...I find it odd that otherwise intelligent people find this to be a good idea. Scares the hell outta me, it really does. I am uninsured, and would rather remain so then to sacrifice my freedom to choose my physicians. Where will it end people, this is the gateway to be able to take way more freedoms. Soon we may not be able to eat a big juciy cheeseburger with out it being a national concern...I can hear it now "due to the national obesity rate in this country... Mcdonalds has been closed..." OVER MY DEAD BODY....Seriously folks...This has soo many frightening concequences!!!( not to mention it would put is into a socialistic state!)
Think of all of the aborted babies, and the elderly who will be denyed health care because they are no longer concitered productive members of society...( it is happening in Canada today, pick up a newspaper!!!) This could be us...THE GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD??
It makes me think and wonder what the world would be like if we had a few more political people in this world that were family oriented and religious. Religion is after all what the founding fathers were trying to protect...as well as the freedoms that are being stripped away from us every time we turn on the television. It is a very scary thing to think how this world might be in another 3 1/2 years when the Obama Assasination of America is finally at an end. God help us!!! God help us all!
National insurance plan??? Where will this end...I find it odd that otherwise intelligent people find this to be a good idea. Scares the hell outta me, it really does. I am uninsured, and would rather remain so then to sacrifice my freedom to choose my physicians. Where will it end people, this is the gateway to be able to take way more freedoms. Soon we may not be able to eat a big juciy cheeseburger with out it being a national concern...I can hear it now "due to the national obesity rate in this country... Mcdonalds has been closed..." OVER MY DEAD BODY....Seriously folks...This has soo many frightening concequences!!!( not to mention it would put is into a socialistic state!)
Think of all of the aborted babies, and the elderly who will be denyed health care because they are no longer concitered productive members of society...( it is happening in Canada today, pick up a newspaper!!!) This could be us...THE GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD??
Friday, July 3, 2009
I feal like crying. I don't even know where to start. My husband drives me crazy, my kids drive me crazy. I guess I must be crazy. I love them...I just can't stand them. We are having problems rite now, us and the rest of the world, rite? Yeah. I know. The money thing is only part of the problem. I feal like I am only happy while I am at school. Then I come home and...lose something along the way. Myself perhaps? I guess when I started going back to school it felt good to just be ME. Not MOM, or WIFE. Just ME. Now I am afraid I want more of ME. I am turning into a terrible mother. I origionally stayed home with our first child because I thought who better to teach him then his mother? No one could possibly love him more then me?
Maby in retrospect this was not such a good idea. I am not a patient person, by any means, and may have been too hard on him. He has never been what you might call an easy child, and I know he gets alot of his lesser qualities from me. Fast forward 8 years, and four kids later. With summer here and all of the kids home, I have no time to do ANYTHING. The bigger kids slack with their meager chore list, and it is me who has to "put them back on track"; I get so tired of nagging. I am sure it does no good at all, I just feel like I have run out of options. I fight the little ones to take a nap for what feels like an eternity. They lay there rubbing their eyes and waving their legs around in an effort to keep themselves awake. Every day feals like a fight. I am miserable. I know the kids probably are too. We are broke. So so broke. My Husband had not worked more then 20 hours (if that) in the last 3 weeks and the uber expensive house payment, that we bought for top doller when the market was high, is late. with no hope for refinance. ever. AND as though that is not bad enough my husband had the church (utahs prominent religion) pay for half of last months mortgage. I, mind you, am not a member. I feal as though I have to go now though, for lack of options. Witch makes me feel as if I will be recieving a one way ticket to HELL, DO NOT PASS GO DO NOT COLLECT 200 DOLLARS. I feal like the worlds biggest hipicrite. I who like tatoos and coffee and can swear with the best of them. I who see nothing wrong with drinking( in moderation). The people in the church are all soo nice and sweet and caring, I mean absolutly no disrespect what so ever to them!! I just..dont...belong...there. I don't feel the things I do will earn me my way to hell, if I did I woulden't be doing them. HOWEVER the people at the church do believe that and I am sort of over a barrel. I feel like I have been bought. Soul and all. I do not know what I can do to better my situation. Witch pisses me off more. I am going to school. I am thinking of getting a part time job, but with me only being able to work crappy NO SKILL jobs I am not sure that will even put me with enought to cover the baby sitter for the two littler kids, let alone the older ones. I feel like the harder we try the behinder we get. I know when my hubby comes home from work(when there is work) he has worked his hands to the bone. I know that I feel like I work all of the time, even if it is just with the kids and in the house. I just want to be comfortable. not rich. I would just like to pay my bills and take my kids on one stinking vacation before they are too old to even want to be seen with me. That seems far off from where we are now. I guess I should sell my animals. Those are the things that keep us here though. They are like an investment in our future, and for every bit we spend on them we know we will get so much more in return in eggs, and meat. Not to mention company. I still feel like I could cry, but I feal alittle better now. Now that I have beared my soal to the whole wide internet about what a friggen mess I am. Awe who am I kidding, I know noone reads this shit!
Maby in retrospect this was not such a good idea. I am not a patient person, by any means, and may have been too hard on him. He has never been what you might call an easy child, and I know he gets alot of his lesser qualities from me. Fast forward 8 years, and four kids later. With summer here and all of the kids home, I have no time to do ANYTHING. The bigger kids slack with their meager chore list, and it is me who has to "put them back on track"; I get so tired of nagging. I am sure it does no good at all, I just feel like I have run out of options. I fight the little ones to take a nap for what feels like an eternity. They lay there rubbing their eyes and waving their legs around in an effort to keep themselves awake. Every day feals like a fight. I am miserable. I know the kids probably are too. We are broke. So so broke. My Husband had not worked more then 20 hours (if that) in the last 3 weeks and the uber expensive house payment, that we bought for top doller when the market was high, is late. with no hope for refinance. ever. AND as though that is not bad enough my husband had the church (utahs prominent religion) pay for half of last months mortgage. I, mind you, am not a member. I feal as though I have to go now though, for lack of options. Witch makes me feel as if I will be recieving a one way ticket to HELL, DO NOT PASS GO DO NOT COLLECT 200 DOLLARS. I feal like the worlds biggest hipicrite. I who like tatoos and coffee and can swear with the best of them. I who see nothing wrong with drinking( in moderation). The people in the church are all soo nice and sweet and caring, I mean absolutly no disrespect what so ever to them!! I just..dont...belong...there. I don't feel the things I do will earn me my way to hell, if I did I woulden't be doing them. HOWEVER the people at the church do believe that and I am sort of over a barrel. I feel like I have been bought. Soul and all. I do not know what I can do to better my situation. Witch pisses me off more. I am going to school. I am thinking of getting a part time job, but with me only being able to work crappy NO SKILL jobs I am not sure that will even put me with enought to cover the baby sitter for the two littler kids, let alone the older ones. I feel like the harder we try the behinder we get. I know when my hubby comes home from work(when there is work) he has worked his hands to the bone. I know that I feel like I work all of the time, even if it is just with the kids and in the house. I just want to be comfortable. not rich. I would just like to pay my bills and take my kids on one stinking vacation before they are too old to even want to be seen with me. That seems far off from where we are now. I guess I should sell my animals. Those are the things that keep us here though. They are like an investment in our future, and for every bit we spend on them we know we will get so much more in return in eggs, and meat. Not to mention company. I still feel like I could cry, but I feal alittle better now. Now that I have beared my soal to the whole wide internet about what a friggen mess I am. Awe who am I kidding, I know noone reads this shit!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Since the exit of my children from school for the summer, I have offically turned from my usual lovable self into the Wicked Witch of Summers past...
randomly shouting things like "what is that on the floor that resembles grape jelly??" and "for the love of God, get your chores done!!"
I have instuted a chore chart...again, witch may or may not, clarify WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE EVERYDAY in this house for it to run smoothly.
Unfortunatly, my resolve to teach the kids to be responsible for their chores usually only lasts about 48 hours, after witch I give up and do everything myself once again.
School is not getting easier. I once again have two hard classes at the same time. I am somehow, muddeling through but am by no means head of the class. I feal I will be lucky to make it out alive. On a positive note : I get to do labs in school, meaning that I get to place ECG stickers on the bodys of brave volenteers, and also poke classmates with small lancets...actually funner then it sounds!
excuse me, must go enforce the "all chores must be done before lunch to get credit for them" rule....hope we all survive summer, and manage to have some fun!
randomly shouting things like "what is that on the floor that resembles grape jelly??" and "for the love of God, get your chores done!!"
I have instuted a chore chart...again, witch may or may not, clarify WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE EVERYDAY in this house for it to run smoothly.
Unfortunatly, my resolve to teach the kids to be responsible for their chores usually only lasts about 48 hours, after witch I give up and do everything myself once again.
School is not getting easier. I once again have two hard classes at the same time. I am somehow, muddeling through but am by no means head of the class. I feal I will be lucky to make it out alive. On a positive note : I get to do labs in school, meaning that I get to place ECG stickers on the bodys of brave volenteers, and also poke classmates with small lancets...actually funner then it sounds!
excuse me, must go enforce the "all chores must be done before lunch to get credit for them" rule....hope we all survive summer, and manage to have some fun!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Amist the noise and confusion that is my life, it is a rare moment when I can be at peace. TRULY AT PEACE. When I can just SIT.
About what I SHOULD BE doing.
About who needs their bum changed.
Or the dishes in the sink.
Or the bills piling on the counter...begging to be made out.
Things are just quiet around here today
. Maby we are all just tuckered out already with trying to get used to these new summer hours.
Maby the stress wears on us all, waiting to consume our waking hours with a flame of work to be done.
I CHOOSE THE LIFE I LIVE. And for the most part wear the stress with a smile on my face. Latley though, I have been feeling worn down and tired.
Glad tonight is quiet.
About what I SHOULD BE doing.
About who needs their bum changed.
Or the dishes in the sink.
Or the bills piling on the counter...begging to be made out.
Things are just quiet around here today
. Maby we are all just tuckered out already with trying to get used to these new summer hours.
Maby the stress wears on us all, waiting to consume our waking hours with a flame of work to be done.
I CHOOSE THE LIFE I LIVE. And for the most part wear the stress with a smile on my face. Latley though, I have been feeling worn down and tired.
Glad tonight is quiet.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The last three weeks I have been a hermit. A reclusive, awnrey, nasty old lady. With a computer or a book stuck infront of her face...and now I am finished with that class, and on to the next one!
It is alittle bitter sweet. The last week of class has actually been really nice. Sure the pressure to do well was still there, and the impossible notion that I can learn everything there is to know about anatomy in one month...well, we all knew that wasn't going to happen. Rite?
But it is a baseline. I know the basics of anatomy.
Two weeks into the class I thought I would fail it, and have to re-take it.
Three weeks in I had alittle hope, and was muddeling through.
Now the class is over, the tests are graded, the pressure is off. And I am blissfully free for one weekend, before the next assult on my senses. The next, constant pressure.
We are having a Birthday party for my Hubby this weekend and I, for one, am planning to make the most of it! And party my ass off! I earned it!
Incedently, my grade for the class is an A !! ( how the hell did that happen??)
I will take it, be grateful, and run like hell!!!
It is alittle bitter sweet. The last week of class has actually been really nice. Sure the pressure to do well was still there, and the impossible notion that I can learn everything there is to know about anatomy in one month...well, we all knew that wasn't going to happen. Rite?
But it is a baseline. I know the basics of anatomy.
Two weeks into the class I thought I would fail it, and have to re-take it.
Three weeks in I had alittle hope, and was muddeling through.
Now the class is over, the tests are graded, the pressure is off. And I am blissfully free for one weekend, before the next assult on my senses. The next, constant pressure.
We are having a Birthday party for my Hubby this weekend and I, for one, am planning to make the most of it! And party my ass off! I earned it!
Incedently, my grade for the class is an A !! ( how the hell did that happen??)
I will take it, be grateful, and run like hell!!!
anatomy over,
birthday party
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I feel set up to fail.
I am frustrated beyond belief.
The muscle part of the anatomy class is here and I have a test tonight.
We started "learning" them, the muscles, on Monday. That is two days to learn all of the muscles, and the chemical reactions as to WHY they work...TWO DAYS...???
C'mon man...My teacher is the Dean of Health. Who while is very smart, dosen't really teach. So that pretty much leaves me staring at the pictures of my text book hoping to somehow absorb the knowledge in it ( osmosis??)
Two days?? AND THEN A TEST WORTH HALF MY DAMN GRADE?? At this point I am just hoping that I don't fail compleatly and have to take this damn class again...grrr.
Guess I better get back to it... I HATE ANATOMY...I am sure I could learn this with actual teaching and alittle more time...they all still look the same to me though. This is going to rough...
I am frustrated beyond belief.
The muscle part of the anatomy class is here and I have a test tonight.
We started "learning" them, the muscles, on Monday. That is two days to learn all of the muscles, and the chemical reactions as to WHY they work...TWO DAYS...???
C'mon man...My teacher is the Dean of Health. Who while is very smart, dosen't really teach. So that pretty much leaves me staring at the pictures of my text book hoping to somehow absorb the knowledge in it ( osmosis??)
Two days?? AND THEN A TEST WORTH HALF MY DAMN GRADE?? At this point I am just hoping that I don't fail compleatly and have to take this damn class again...grrr.
Guess I better get back to it... I HATE ANATOMY...I am sure I could learn this with actual teaching and alittle more time...they all still look the same to me though. This is going to rough...
hang in there summer is almost here...
on that note...
Current mood: blessed
Well...The Mothers day trip to Wendover was a hit!
We got a killer room, and without any one to take care of, got pretty poluted!
My little bro crashed the ' girls night out theme', but hes cool so no worrys!
He almost made me laugh so hard I pee'd my pants!!!
At one point I remember just about all of my weight was on the edge of the 21 table...lol... just glad I didden't pass out in public!
Maby next time I won't get quite so messed up...( I really was pretty bad!)...BUT IT WAS FUN!
Now I am back...and stalling...I SHOULD BE studying...
In the midst of all of this confusion, I surround myself in, it is very easy to forget to just BREATHE... take a step back...and see the big picture!
Remember the reasons WHY I do the things I do...Sometimes I get caught up in the moment, and just...forget the reasons WHY...
In a few years I hope to be in a good job that I enjoy, helping people who appreciate it, and be more financally secure then we are now...( so we can add on some much needed bedrooms!)
I have to keep things in perspective, and REMEMBER that the sacrifices of today are for the future...( so I don't go nuts in the moment!)
I won't lie and say I did great on mid-term...I didden't...But I did alright. Espeshlly for the amount of studying I did, and the difficulty of the test... I got a break though!( Wendover!) And that was something I truley needed!!
Summer will be here soon. No more waking up early to rush children out the door. No more 'Mommy taxi' to and from school.
I plan to sit outside all summer with a book under my nose, and my feet inside of a kiddie pool!
Just a few more weeks!!!
Current mood: blessed
Well...The Mothers day trip to Wendover was a hit!
We got a killer room, and without any one to take care of, got pretty poluted!
My little bro crashed the ' girls night out theme', but hes cool so no worrys!
He almost made me laugh so hard I pee'd my pants!!!
At one point I remember just about all of my weight was on the edge of the 21 table...lol... just glad I didden't pass out in public!
Maby next time I won't get quite so messed up...( I really was pretty bad!)...BUT IT WAS FUN!
Now I am back...and stalling...I SHOULD BE studying...
In the midst of all of this confusion, I surround myself in, it is very easy to forget to just BREATHE... take a step back...and see the big picture!
Remember the reasons WHY I do the things I do...Sometimes I get caught up in the moment, and just...forget the reasons WHY...
In a few years I hope to be in a good job that I enjoy, helping people who appreciate it, and be more financally secure then we are now...( so we can add on some much needed bedrooms!)
I have to keep things in perspective, and REMEMBER that the sacrifices of today are for the future...( so I don't go nuts in the moment!)
I won't lie and say I did great on mid-term...I didden't...But I did alright. Espeshlly for the amount of studying I did, and the difficulty of the test... I got a break though!( Wendover!) And that was something I truley needed!!
Summer will be here soon. No more waking up early to rush children out the door. No more 'Mommy taxi' to and from school.
I plan to sit outside all summer with a book under my nose, and my feet inside of a kiddie pool!
Just a few more weeks!!!
wendover trip
Thursday, May 7, 2009
this time I will actually INSERT LINK...
Ok...take mercy on this girl, and tell me HOW TO PUT THE LINK IN...CAUSE OBVIOUSLY I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT ON MY OWN...lol...the insert link dosen't actually insert the link so...??? not really sure what to do about that one...hmmmmm...>??? anyway, hopefully you can cut and paste in the MOM SONG!!
iN HoNor Of MoTheRs DaY !!
For the rest of the world who still hasen't sceen this! Of even if you have, still funny if your a , or if you have one! (ITS THE MOM SONG!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX6flpUweIQ~ Just cut and paste, can't get link go to in there!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX6flpUweIQ~ Just cut and paste, can't get link go to in there!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Ever feel like crying for no reason...

Well, that is where I am today.
I knew Anatomy was going to be difficult. So, why am I suprized when I start having a hard time with it. ITS HARD. EVERYONE HAS A HARD TIME WITH IT...I think I will go in for a tutoring session tomorrow night. Things are so fast paced with this school, that it would be too easy to get behind and never be able to get caught up. I HAVE TO MAKE SURE I UNDERSTAND CORRECTLY and remember my bones...I am soo sick of bones!! This chapter is kicking my butt! I walked out of class on Monday with my head spinning! There was just so much information, and it was presented so quickly... I had hoped that a few days to process the information would help...it didden't I think I am more baffeled then ever! LOL
Also, My Mother and Step-father are together again...I hope...
I found some things out that I never wanted to know...and now still wish I didden't know, and THOSE THINGS led me to believe things were over with my parents...even though it seemed my Mom was giving my stepdad a second chance....Well, I still don't know what to think, but all I can do is HOPE things are what they seem. For everyones sake, or the poop will hit the fan, as they say.
My 'girls night out' trip to Wendover is near!! ( FRIDAY) and I am excited!
My Mom is coming and maby after a few coctails we will be more open about talking 'real life ' things, such as the situation with my stepdad. OH HOW I HATE DRAMA!!!
I guess I should actually STUDY MY ANATOMY...I AM STALLING...When I know I am having a hard time of it, it seems to make it harder to study or concentrate on it... and I know I need to!! ugggg... On a more positive note, this class is now half over, and next month I will have a new one....Oh how I hope it is an easier one!!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
weekend stuff...and goodnnews/badnews???
The weekend was nice.
My nephew was being babtized on Saturday, so the whole fam-damly got all dressed up and went. It was actually kinda fun, and the kids behaved, thank god! Afterward the whole family gathered at my brother in laws house for a family lunch. (good eats!!) Afterwards my oldest son went to a sleepover at a different cousins house.
On Sunday, it seems like everyone decided to come on down and visit! First was my Dad, and he stayed a bit trying to fix my laptop internet connection( don't ask!)
Then after he left, we headed over to my in-laws to see how my father in law was doing, as he had his galbladder removed a few days ago.
We visited there for a few hours and then came home. Nearly as soon as we were home, my nephew came over to help my Huby plant...I believe he is becoming a 'plant a holic'. I guess, whatever we can't eat,can, or freeze, we could feed to the animals though, so 'plant away!!.'
Then who should show up...but my Mom and Step dad...TOGETHER...
I don't much go into personal detail about ALOT of things...this is something that is very personal and near and dear to my heart.
My Mother moved out of their house about four months ago. And is filing for the big D. My step dad has had a very hard time with this, and calls me 4-5 times a week just to talk about things. He wants her back. Knows he messed up, should have appreciated her more...exc...
I don't know exactly where my Mom stands on everything...because I can identify with my Step dad alot more, in that I DON'T WANT THEM TO GET A DIVORCE...so basiclly my mom and I ignore the situation and talk about safter subjects.
At anyrate, My step-dad called me on Saturday night to say that Mom had called him and invited him over for dinner, and a movie...
Then he called FROM MOM'S PHONE early Sunday morning...to say not to come over today (that was the plan), because they were going to go for a drive...
Then they showed up here later on that night...
The deal is this...My little sister ( who talks more to mom about this situation then I can) tells me that Mom just wants to be friends with Papa...
That it is just habit that when they get together she holds his hand, exc,exc...
I am afraid for my Step dad..For his heart...When Mom left he had a break down.
He ended up in the mental hospital. He is getting counseling, now. He seems to be putting his life together best that he can after losing his wife of 22 years.
Mom, on the otherhand...I hear( our grape vine is very short) she is upping her dosage of anti-depressents, and drinking more. ( just whine, but everynight...)
I am soo worried that this could be too fast too soon. FOR BOTH OF THEM.
My nephew was being babtized on Saturday, so the whole fam-damly got all dressed up and went. It was actually kinda fun, and the kids behaved, thank god! Afterward the whole family gathered at my brother in laws house for a family lunch. (good eats!!) Afterwards my oldest son went to a sleepover at a different cousins house.
On Sunday, it seems like everyone decided to come on down and visit! First was my Dad, and he stayed a bit trying to fix my laptop internet connection( don't ask!)
Then after he left, we headed over to my in-laws to see how my father in law was doing, as he had his galbladder removed a few days ago.
We visited there for a few hours and then came home. Nearly as soon as we were home, my nephew came over to help my Huby plant...I believe he is becoming a 'plant a holic'. I guess, whatever we can't eat,can, or freeze, we could feed to the animals though, so 'plant away!!.'
Then who should show up...but my Mom and Step dad...TOGETHER...
I don't much go into personal detail about ALOT of things...this is something that is very personal and near and dear to my heart.
My Mother moved out of their house about four months ago. And is filing for the big D. My step dad has had a very hard time with this, and calls me 4-5 times a week just to talk about things. He wants her back. Knows he messed up, should have appreciated her more...exc...
I don't know exactly where my Mom stands on everything...because I can identify with my Step dad alot more, in that I DON'T WANT THEM TO GET A DIVORCE...so basiclly my mom and I ignore the situation and talk about safter subjects.
At anyrate, My step-dad called me on Saturday night to say that Mom had called him and invited him over for dinner, and a movie...
Then he called FROM MOM'S PHONE early Sunday morning...to say not to come over today (that was the plan), because they were going to go for a drive...
Then they showed up here later on that night...
The deal is this...My little sister ( who talks more to mom about this situation then I can) tells me that Mom just wants to be friends with Papa...
That it is just habit that when they get together she holds his hand, exc,exc...
I am afraid for my Step dad..For his heart...When Mom left he had a break down.
He ended up in the mental hospital. He is getting counseling, now. He seems to be putting his life together best that he can after losing his wife of 22 years.
Mom, on the otherhand...I hear( our grape vine is very short) she is upping her dosage of anti-depressents, and drinking more. ( just whine, but everynight...)
I am soo worried that this could be too fast too soon. FOR BOTH OF THEM.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
running away!
I have followers!! (Welcome welcome!!)
Things have been pretty hectic around here...as usual...
I started a new class --Anatomy and physiology--(eek!) a hard class anyway, but to make matters worse, my instructor just happens to be the Dean of Health for our school(no pressure or anything.)
To make them doubley worse, english is not his first lauange, and I have a hard time understanding him sometimes...
He is wicked smart though! I have taken to typing as fast as I can during class what he is saying- so I can try to desipher it later- LOL - so sad , but whatever works!!
My hubby stayed home yesterday from work and he is still in bed, so I assume he isn't going in today either...he says he just needs a break. His idea of a break though, is fixing he pig pen,planting MORE in the garden, and repairing the roof of the kids's play house. (Wonder what he'll do today??)
I only have the one class this month(thank god), witch means I am spending more time at home. The problem is that it is a hard class and the workload is still about the same as it was when I had two classes. Only now I have to do it at home. With the kids underfoot, and hubby talking in my ear...I think I might need to find a hang-out and run away for awhile!! :)
Speaking of running away... my darling dearest cousin has instuted a "girls night out" for next friday!! We will be going to Wendover NV. Where there is gambeling...I am in Utah and we don't have gambeling...about 80% of Utahns drive 2 1/2 hours to go and lose our money in Wendover! Or as we like to call it "bend over".
Things have been pretty hectic around here...as usual...
I started a new class --Anatomy and physiology--(eek!) a hard class anyway, but to make matters worse, my instructor just happens to be the Dean of Health for our school(no pressure or anything.)
To make them doubley worse, english is not his first lauange, and I have a hard time understanding him sometimes...
He is wicked smart though! I have taken to typing as fast as I can during class what he is saying- so I can try to desipher it later- LOL - so sad , but whatever works!!
My hubby stayed home yesterday from work and he is still in bed, so I assume he isn't going in today either...he says he just needs a break. His idea of a break though, is fixing he pig pen,planting MORE in the garden, and repairing the roof of the kids's play house. (Wonder what he'll do today??)
I only have the one class this month(thank god), witch means I am spending more time at home. The problem is that it is a hard class and the workload is still about the same as it was when I had two classes. Only now I have to do it at home. With the kids underfoot, and hubby talking in my ear...I think I might need to find a hang-out and run away for awhile!! :)
Speaking of running away... my darling dearest cousin has instuted a "girls night out" for next friday!! We will be going to Wendover NV. Where there is gambeling...I am in Utah and we don't have gambeling...about 80% of Utahns drive 2 1/2 hours to go and lose our money in Wendover! Or as we like to call it "bend over".
a/p running away
Monday, April 27, 2009
spring has sprung
Spring is definatly here...what with the rain and the flowers.
We let one of our hens hatch some eggs. It was early yet, but her mother was a good sitter too, so we thought we would let her give it a try.
Only two ( of about 24) hatched. They are soo little.But she has been having them out in the pasture, and letting them socialize with the other hens.
(her mom didden't do that)
All over our little farm I now find clutches of eggs (some abandoned, some not.)
When in doubt I feed the eggs to the piglets, who are doubeling in size everyday!!
They gobble up the eggs (rotten or not) with much oinking and crunching. It is really cute to watch how much pleasure they get from eating...and they are, by far, the most well fed animals on our little farm.
The cow and goats have been left to forage on the greenery of spring. The hens and turkeys get their rations of grain pellets.
The wasps are going to be bad this year, so in an effort to mount an early attack against them I have purchased quite a few traps. And will be placing them everywhere!!
We let one of our hens hatch some eggs. It was early yet, but her mother was a good sitter too, so we thought we would let her give it a try.
Only two ( of about 24) hatched. They are soo little.But she has been having them out in the pasture, and letting them socialize with the other hens.
(her mom didden't do that)
All over our little farm I now find clutches of eggs (some abandoned, some not.)
When in doubt I feed the eggs to the piglets, who are doubeling in size everyday!!
They gobble up the eggs (rotten or not) with much oinking and crunching. It is really cute to watch how much pleasure they get from eating...and they are, by far, the most well fed animals on our little farm.
The cow and goats have been left to forage on the greenery of spring. The hens and turkeys get their rations of grain pellets.
The wasps are going to be bad this year, so in an effort to mount an early attack against them I have purchased quite a few traps. And will be placing them everywhere!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Yesterday, while rummaging through the garage I found some old journals...
so this morning I spent about an hour in the past...
Back to when I was 19 - before I was a mother and a wife- when I worked so I could party, and have adventures...When my friends were my whole life.
I read about how much I loved and treasure my dearest cousin - CAT - who has always been a great friend ( some things never change- love ya babe!)
I read about an almost forgotten Ex-boyfriend (yikes),
and about my now (wonderful) husband...and our mis-adventures getting to know eachother...
about sex, drugs and rock & roll ...the origional party girl...
Skydiving, flying lessons from a cessna, and going to Germany...
some adventures will never be forgotten.
I realized how quickly the last...( how old AM I??)
...9 years have went... and how my life has changed, and how I have grown as a
person because of it.
I hope the next 9 years don't get by so quickly. It is amazing how quickly living from
one moment to the next, one day to the next, adds up in years...
I hope none of us, let the years get away with out enjoying the moments that help
make up the year!
I know that the moments IN MY ADULT LIFE ( the last 9 years) are irreplaceable.
They contain my children being born, me being married, moving from one house to
another, and again, and all of the small things that helped get me through the days
from then until now.
Let us never forget WHO WE ARE.
Let us never forget TO HAVE FUN.
And help us to treasure every moment.
Help us say,and do the things we ment to do yesterday...no more procrasinating...
we might lose a couple of years procrastinating...they go by so fast!
So hug your kids, love your significant other, and laugh till you pee your pants!!
Peace and love to you! ~Lea :)
so this morning I spent about an hour in the past...
Back to when I was 19 - before I was a mother and a wife- when I worked so I could party, and have adventures...When my friends were my whole life.
I read about how much I loved and treasure my dearest cousin - CAT - who has always been a great friend ( some things never change- love ya babe!)
I read about an almost forgotten Ex-boyfriend (yikes),
and about my now (wonderful) husband...and our mis-adventures getting to know eachother...
about sex, drugs and rock & roll ...the origional party girl...
Skydiving, flying lessons from a cessna, and going to Germany...
some adventures will never be forgotten.
I realized how quickly the last...( how old AM I??)
...9 years have went... and how my life has changed, and how I have grown as a
person because of it.
I hope the next 9 years don't get by so quickly. It is amazing how quickly living from
one moment to the next, one day to the next, adds up in years...
I hope none of us, let the years get away with out enjoying the moments that help
make up the year!
I know that the moments IN MY ADULT LIFE ( the last 9 years) are irreplaceable.
They contain my children being born, me being married, moving from one house to
another, and again, and all of the small things that helped get me through the days
from then until now.
Let us never forget WHO WE ARE.
Let us never forget TO HAVE FUN.
And help us to treasure every moment.
Help us say,and do the things we ment to do yesterday...no more procrasinating...
we might lose a couple of years procrastinating...they go by so fast!
So hug your kids, love your significant other, and laugh till you pee your pants!!
Peace and love to you! ~Lea :)
No pressure or anything!!
Tonight I have an exam and an insterment practical test that I have been practicing for, for three weeks!! I am not too worried though. I figure that if I was going to remember for the test, I would have remembered it already. I feal comfortable with the insterment names and what they are used for...
I am probably more worried about the chapter exam...the teacher tries to be sneeky...( he really is a cool guy though, and DAMN SMART!)
On the homefront~
The kids have been kinda sick. A nose and throat thing. Probably has something to do with their sinuses, because of the weather...wish it would just stay warm!!
Got two piggies about a month back...they are too cute!! ( must post pictures!!)
Also had two ( all of the other eggs froze) baby chicks hatch last week! The Mama hen had them out pecking around already.
Big Hunk( our beef cow) is getting BIG hopefully we can have a freezer full of steak this winter!
Nanny goat is all dried up...I THOUGHT she was pregnant(she had been exposed), then the kids never came :( now she is an eating maching...( but she is still soo sweet)
Next month, I only have one class (thank God!!) ANATOMY AND PHIOLOGY...EEK!!
I am probably more worried about the chapter exam...the teacher tries to be sneeky...( he really is a cool guy though, and DAMN SMART!)
On the homefront~
The kids have been kinda sick. A nose and throat thing. Probably has something to do with their sinuses, because of the weather...wish it would just stay warm!!
Got two piggies about a month back...they are too cute!! ( must post pictures!!)
Also had two ( all of the other eggs froze) baby chicks hatch last week! The Mama hen had them out pecking around already.
Big Hunk( our beef cow) is getting BIG hopefully we can have a freezer full of steak this winter!
Nanny goat is all dried up...I THOUGHT she was pregnant(she had been exposed), then the kids never came :( now she is an eating maching...( but she is still soo sweet)
Next month, I only have one class (thank God!!) ANATOMY AND PHIOLOGY...EEK!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
101 THINGS THAT I love an introspection...
101 THINGS THAT I ABSOLUTLEY LOVE ( in no particular order!)
Introspection :
1.) My husband and kids
2.) Wind chimes
3.) The feeling of sun rays on my skin
4.) Playing chess
5.) Bubble baths
6.) being with my family and friends
7.) BBQS
8.) Long lazy summer days
9.) Being all comfy cozy sitting by the wood fire place , blizzard like weather outside
10.) Swimming
11.) Sleding
12.) Being on anything that moves fast (4wheeler, sand rail, motorcycles)
13.) . Rain on a tin roof
14.) Sky diving- have to go again one day!!
15.) Tattoos
16.) Animals
17.) Waking up in a tee-pee
18.) Or a tent
19.) Smelling like campfire after you have already come home
20.) A clean house (hey, a girl can dream!)
21.) Cake
22.) Anything chocolate
23.) Babys
24.) Fresh fruit
25.) Gardening
26.) knowing where my food comes from
27.) knowing that I have a few true friends that I would do ANYTHING for, and who would do the same for me-(priceless!)
28.) Eye contact
29.) Sharing a private joke with someone
30.) Finally finishing my homework!
31.) Watching chickens peck around in the yard
32.) The first cup of coffee of the day(at home, starbucks dosen’t count)
33.) Sharing something fun with my kids!
34.) Looking good~ hey its been known to happen!
35.) Weddings
36.) Vacations
37.) Getting …alright fine…drunk …(watch out for those long island ice teas!) in Wendover with my peeps! (must do again soon!)
38.) Fishing- have to go again…
39.) Rollerblading (yes, I am that lame)…have to go again
40.) Getting a facial with my best girl~ girlie things are fun too
41.) Shopping for cloths- and actually finding things that look CUTE on me!
42.) The smell of BBQ
43.) The smell of flowers
44.) Laughing till I pee my pants :0}
45.) Making someone else laugh until they pee their pants
46.) A good movie.
47.) Doing something nice for a total stranger
48.) GOOD FOOD –preferably that I didden’t have to make…
49.) People with green eyes( they are soo cool)
50.) Red hair
51.) The feeling you get when you kiss someone you love!
52.) Mowing the lawn- I know that’s weird…what can I say, its empowering!
53.) Contagious smiles
54.) Swinging the kids
55.) The feeling of accomplishment after you have done something you know was worthwhile
56.) Catching up on my t-voed sitcoms (heros, biggest loser, and my name is earl!)
57.) Talking to old friends
58.) School
59.) The sight of laundry hanging on the line, and blowing in the wind.
60.) Putting my own laundry out to blow in the wind
61.) The internet-you can learn to do just about anything on there…( honey, I’ve finished the internet! LOL)
62.) When we get our bills paid before the new ones come!
63.) The first flowers of spring
64.) The birds singing their songs in the trees
65.) Collecting eggs
66.) Washing dishes by hand
67.) Having my kids help me wash dishes by hand
68.) Ice tea in the summer
69.) Hot tea in the winter
70.) New shoes ( I LOVE SHOES! One day I will like emilda marcos and have a room for shoes…J/K Im not THAT BAD!
71.) Weed boquets
72.) Learning new things
73.) Making stuff (sewing, crocheting, anything like that!)
74.) Time to relax
75.) Watching my kids sleep…awwwee how cute
76.) Reading a good book!!( how did I make it this far down without thinking of that??? Guess it has been a while! Lol)
77.) Roasting marshmellows
78.) Anything that reminds me of being in Germany!
79.) Knowing that I did something well
80.) Fall leaves- pumpkins- the smell of burning pumpkins….
81.) Being out of the ordinary….
82.) Candles- lighting them, having them lit, smelling them….
83.) When I get to sleep in
85.) Going for walks (should do it more!)
86.) Living out in the country! (gotta love the fresh country air…LOL…)
87.) Hiking!!
88.) Freckles-- not on me, but on everyone else!
89.) Myspace—Fine I admit it I am addicted…
90.) Cooking
91.) Basketball( playing not watching)
92.) Soccer (playing not watching)
93.) VW jettas ( missing mine)
95.) CHRISTMAS!! (who dosen’t!)
96.) Milking Nanny…something so primal about just knowing that people have been milking since there were animals to milk!
97.) Hoping we get a dexter (mini) milk cow one day!!
98.) When I feel smart!
99.) Remembering the good’ ole days
100.) Breakfast! I just love breakfast…(bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, pancakes…. MMMMM)
101.) Taking care of my family!
Introspection :
1.) My husband and kids
2.) Wind chimes
3.) The feeling of sun rays on my skin
4.) Playing chess
5.) Bubble baths
6.) being with my family and friends
7.) BBQS
8.) Long lazy summer days
9.) Being all comfy cozy sitting by the wood fire place , blizzard like weather outside
10.) Swimming
11.) Sleding
12.) Being on anything that moves fast (4wheeler, sand rail, motorcycles)
13.) . Rain on a tin roof
14.) Sky diving- have to go again one day!!
15.) Tattoos
16.) Animals
17.) Waking up in a tee-pee
18.) Or a tent
19.) Smelling like campfire after you have already come home
20.) A clean house (hey, a girl can dream!)
21.) Cake
22.) Anything chocolate
23.) Babys
24.) Fresh fruit
25.) Gardening
26.) knowing where my food comes from
27.) knowing that I have a few true friends that I would do ANYTHING for, and who would do the same for me-(priceless!)
28.) Eye contact
29.) Sharing a private joke with someone
30.) Finally finishing my homework!
31.) Watching chickens peck around in the yard
32.) The first cup of coffee of the day(at home, starbucks dosen’t count)
33.) Sharing something fun with my kids!
34.) Looking good~ hey its been known to happen!
35.) Weddings
36.) Vacations
37.) Getting …alright fine…drunk …(watch out for those long island ice teas!) in Wendover with my peeps! (must do again soon!)
38.) Fishing- have to go again…
39.) Rollerblading (yes, I am that lame)…have to go again
40.) Getting a facial with my best girl~ girlie things are fun too
41.) Shopping for cloths- and actually finding things that look CUTE on me!
42.) The smell of BBQ
43.) The smell of flowers
44.) Laughing till I pee my pants :0}
45.) Making someone else laugh until they pee their pants
46.) A good movie.
47.) Doing something nice for a total stranger
48.) GOOD FOOD –preferably that I didden’t have to make…
49.) People with green eyes( they are soo cool)
50.) Red hair
51.) The feeling you get when you kiss someone you love!
52.) Mowing the lawn- I know that’s weird…what can I say, its empowering!
53.) Contagious smiles
54.) Swinging the kids
55.) The feeling of accomplishment after you have done something you know was worthwhile
56.) Catching up on my t-voed sitcoms (heros, biggest loser, and my name is earl!)
57.) Talking to old friends
58.) School
59.) The sight of laundry hanging on the line, and blowing in the wind.
60.) Putting my own laundry out to blow in the wind
61.) The internet-you can learn to do just about anything on there…( honey, I’ve finished the internet! LOL)
62.) When we get our bills paid before the new ones come!
63.) The first flowers of spring
64.) The birds singing their songs in the trees
65.) Collecting eggs
66.) Washing dishes by hand
67.) Having my kids help me wash dishes by hand
68.) Ice tea in the summer
69.) Hot tea in the winter
70.) New shoes ( I LOVE SHOES! One day I will like emilda marcos and have a room for shoes…J/K Im not THAT BAD!
71.) Weed boquets
72.) Learning new things
73.) Making stuff (sewing, crocheting, anything like that!)
74.) Time to relax
75.) Watching my kids sleep…awwwee how cute
76.) Reading a good book!!( how did I make it this far down without thinking of that??? Guess it has been a while! Lol)
77.) Roasting marshmellows
78.) Anything that reminds me of being in Germany!
79.) Knowing that I did something well
80.) Fall leaves- pumpkins- the smell of burning pumpkins….
81.) Being out of the ordinary….
82.) Candles- lighting them, having them lit, smelling them….
83.) When I get to sleep in
85.) Going for walks (should do it more!)
86.) Living out in the country! (gotta love the fresh country air…LOL…)
87.) Hiking!!
88.) Freckles-- not on me, but on everyone else!
89.) Myspace—Fine I admit it I am addicted…
90.) Cooking
91.) Basketball( playing not watching)
92.) Soccer (playing not watching)
93.) VW jettas ( missing mine)
95.) CHRISTMAS!! (who dosen’t!)
96.) Milking Nanny…something so primal about just knowing that people have been milking since there were animals to milk!
97.) Hoping we get a dexter (mini) milk cow one day!!
98.) When I feel smart!
99.) Remembering the good’ ole days
100.) Breakfast! I just love breakfast…(bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, pancakes…. MMMMM)
101.) Taking care of my family!
things I love
Friday, April 10, 2009
spring break...( was that an arm, or a leg??)
I am dragging butt today.
Yesterday in class- we had a pracitical "mock-up" to see how many of the insturments and their classifications we knew. I did alright. The ones I missed I knew why, and it was stupid mistakes that I would have realized if I had checked over my answers before I had handed in my paper...The real practical is on tuesday.
School has just been speeding along. Most days I feal like I am up to my neck, just treading water. But I think I am actually GETTING IT! (halajula!)
Things at home are pretty much the same. I put things off until the last miniute and then franticlly run around to get them all fixed up.(damn procrastinators)
The kids are off for spring break...wish it was nicer outside.
Adam had the kids do "slave labor" all day yesterday as punishment for being little brats the night before while I was at school. Witch ment I got to follow all of them around all day yesterday and nag...fun,fun. They did do alot to help though, and maby if I keep having them help, eventually I won't have to follow them around and nag.My oldest daughter cut her beautiful hair...so we had to go and have it fixed. It is a dora-like bob with the back sort of tapered down a bot. Looks super cute and easy to fix!
Yesterday in class- we had a pracitical "mock-up" to see how many of the insturments and their classifications we knew. I did alright. The ones I missed I knew why, and it was stupid mistakes that I would have realized if I had checked over my answers before I had handed in my paper...The real practical is on tuesday.
School has just been speeding along. Most days I feal like I am up to my neck, just treading water. But I think I am actually GETTING IT! (halajula!)
Things at home are pretty much the same. I put things off until the last miniute and then franticlly run around to get them all fixed up.(damn procrastinators)
The kids are off for spring break...wish it was nicer outside.
Adam had the kids do "slave labor" all day yesterday as punishment for being little brats the night before while I was at school. Witch ment I got to follow all of them around all day yesterday and nag...fun,fun. They did do alot to help though, and maby if I keep having them help, eventually I won't have to follow them around and nag.My oldest daughter cut her beautiful hair...so we had to go and have it fixed. It is a dora-like bob with the back sort of tapered down a bot. Looks super cute and easy to fix!
kids self haircuts,
spring break
Monday, March 30, 2009
only a mother....
This weekend my Mom came over and in a whirlwind of a miniute, she had my kitchen cleaner then I had been able to in a month. Not that it was TOO messy, simply that I am the worlds most disorganized person, and clutter tends to pile because I don't know where to put it.
Despite my best protests, she had the kitchen under control in a matter of miniutes the way only a mother can. We put some chicken in the crock pot and headed out to go treasure hunting...(thift store hopping!)
In our ventures I procured another pair of shoes for my youngest,as he had been wearing his sisters old pink shoes for the last week or two. I still insist that I will not buy him another pair though, if he loses these!!
Also, I found my other son (the 7 year old) a dicky-like country boy coat that should last through a couple of kids...
In other news : my little brother got his first car this weekend!
Despite my best protests, she had the kitchen under control in a matter of miniutes the way only a mother can. We put some chicken in the crock pot and headed out to go treasure hunting...(thift store hopping!)
In our ventures I procured another pair of shoes for my youngest,as he had been wearing his sisters old pink shoes for the last week or two. I still insist that I will not buy him another pair though, if he loses these!!
Also, I found my other son (the 7 year old) a dicky-like country boy coat that should last through a couple of kids...
In other news : my little brother got his first car this weekend!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
(not fealing fancy anymore!)
Yesterday we must have been fealing fancy.
We got some Olive Garden gift certificates for Christmas that we still hadden't used.We had made up our minds that we were going to bring the kids(the present was supposed to be a night without the kids) so that they could go to a "sit down" restraunt.
It was an impromptu dinner night out! ( that never happens!)
So we packed everyone up in the van and headed on down...
I am proud (and relieved) to say that the kids were on their best behavior! We had fun, the girls each got their own cheese pizza, and Jared opted for the Mac and cheese...The appitizers came, and went. We were fealing fancy so we ordered a bottle of wine. Then dessert to go.( Tiramasu is to die for!)
When we got the bill....EEK! Suffice to say the gift cards didden't cover the expense...but thats OK....I am just glad the kids have had the experiance of a nice restraunt. All to often, Mcdonalds is the only restraunt they see, I am ashamed to admit!
Tonight on the menu, Chili Dogs! (not fealing fancy anymore!)
We got some Olive Garden gift certificates for Christmas that we still hadden't used.We had made up our minds that we were going to bring the kids(the present was supposed to be a night without the kids) so that they could go to a "sit down" restraunt.
It was an impromptu dinner night out! ( that never happens!)
So we packed everyone up in the van and headed on down...
I am proud (and relieved) to say that the kids were on their best behavior! We had fun, the girls each got their own cheese pizza, and Jared opted for the Mac and cheese...The appitizers came, and went. We were fealing fancy so we ordered a bottle of wine. Then dessert to go.( Tiramasu is to die for!)
When we got the bill....EEK! Suffice to say the gift cards didden't cover the expense...but thats OK....I am just glad the kids have had the experiance of a nice restraunt. All to often, Mcdonalds is the only restraunt they see, I am ashamed to admit!
Tonight on the menu, Chili Dogs! (not fealing fancy anymore!)
chili dogs
Friday, March 27, 2009
It was a raging success...
We were the talk of second grade yesterday! All of my worrying was for not. My kids were great, my five year old held my little one year olds hand...and my two year old sweetie carried the chick.As I trudged through the endless parking lot and to the far end of the school, after them carrying the rabbit cage filled with one freaked out chicken.
Inevitably, we were mobbed by kids of every size and shape both on the way to and from his classroom. And come to find out, the teacher had invited another class in for the chicken viewing. Fortunatly my son is more of a ham then I am, and I believe enjoyed every miniute of the undivided attention.
Also, I passed my computer final!!
I got an 86%, and honestly I was just so relieved that I woulden't have to sit through that class again I didden't much care that it really is a good grade!
Also I think this will be the first weekend in three months that I haven't had homework! Corse I know I will have two new classes next week, and will have to start from scratch all over again with mounds of home work...Guess I better enjoy it while I can!
Inevitably, we were mobbed by kids of every size and shape both on the way to and from his classroom. And come to find out, the teacher had invited another class in for the chicken viewing. Fortunatly my son is more of a ham then I am, and I believe enjoyed every miniute of the undivided attention.
Also, I passed my computer final!!
I got an 86%, and honestly I was just so relieved that I woulden't have to sit through that class again I didden't much care that it really is a good grade!
Also I think this will be the first weekend in three months that I haven't had homework! Corse I know I will have two new classes next week, and will have to start from scratch all over again with mounds of home work...Guess I better enjoy it while I can!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
what came first...the chicken or the egg???
My son had a "show and teach" presentation to do for his class. So in my infanete wisdom, I suggested that he bring an egg, a chick, and a hen to class and teach them a few things we have learned over the last few years about chickens... I wrote to the teacher and she wrote back saying it sounded like a great idea!
Well, that was last week and the day of the 'show and teach' is today...WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING??? Honestly, it sounded like a good idea at the time...It didden't even occur to me that I was going to be the one who haul all of these things(plus a one year old and a two year old) into his class room!!! Heaven help me!
On top of that scary prospect...I vagley remember waking up this morning to my hubby saying something about the big van not working and he was taking mine to work.
SO...luckely my Mother in law lives just around the corner and is awesome enough to let me use her car for the chore...I was really hoping that my father in law would come along and help me, but he didden't offer...and I really should have asked....
The school front is still good....I got an A in Medical termonology!! And am now finished with that class. Tonight I have a final in my computer class, but honestly, HOW can you study for that??? I dunno, I am just hoping for the best. I think I will be happy if I pass that class at all regardless of the grade!
The dreaded hour of the 'chicken project' draws near...Must get something done in the house before I zoom off to inform the world about Chickens!.....Till next time!
Well, that was last week and the day of the 'show and teach' is today...WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING??? Honestly, it sounded like a good idea at the time...It didden't even occur to me that I was going to be the one who haul all of these things(plus a one year old and a two year old) into his class room!!! Heaven help me!
On top of that scary prospect...I vagley remember waking up this morning to my hubby saying something about the big van not working and he was taking mine to work.
SO...luckely my Mother in law lives just around the corner and is awesome enough to let me use her car for the chore...I was really hoping that my father in law would come along and help me, but he didden't offer...and I really should have asked....
The school front is still good....I got an A in Medical termonology!! And am now finished with that class. Tonight I have a final in my computer class, but honestly, HOW can you study for that??? I dunno, I am just hoping for the best. I think I will be happy if I pass that class at all regardless of the grade!
The dreaded hour of the 'chicken project' draws near...Must get something done in the house before I zoom off to inform the world about Chickens!.....Till next time!
Monday, March 23, 2009
What I did over the weekend...
Well, we dis-assembeled the old chicken coop, and added pasture fencing to our yard in order to add the additional 1/4 acre of land to the pasture. It seemed such a waste to have that much land not being used for anything, when we have 3 grass eating animals around!
So, I now have 1/4 acre less to mow...and I can look out my window and actually see the animals in my yard. My hubby says its 'too wierd', but I guess that is because I was not born a country girl, and I am definatly not a city girl...so I am WHAT....an individual?? With wierd ideas??? I guess I can live with that.
Big Hunk (our holstein) looks huge next to our pasture fencing....I guess it IS kind of weird...what can I say? (must post pics later! TOO funny)
But the animals LOVED it! When we let them in they immediatly begain gorging themselves on that long green grass! About three or four hours after they had been let in to their new area, I looked out and they were STILL eating as vorashiously as they had been when they were just let in. I was worried they would eat themselves sick!
Also this weekend, My hubby planted a cool weather garden. Peas, lima beans, lettuce, cabbage...and I forget what else....But we woke up this morning to snow.
We live in UTAH and normal planting season dosen't start until after mothers day, in may....So we both knew we had more snow coming.. But I always get spring fever, and am never happy to see snow. I guess it will water the seeds though.
Tonight I have my Medical terminology, law and ethics class...We are having a test, the last one of the class. So I should study and hope my pea brain remembers all of the information that has been thrust on to it during the last month...wish me luck!
So, I now have 1/4 acre less to mow...and I can look out my window and actually see the animals in my yard. My hubby says its 'too wierd', but I guess that is because I was not born a country girl, and I am definatly not a city girl...so I am WHAT....an individual?? With wierd ideas??? I guess I can live with that.
Big Hunk (our holstein) looks huge next to our pasture fencing....I guess it IS kind of weird...what can I say? (must post pics later! TOO funny)
But the animals LOVED it! When we let them in they immediatly begain gorging themselves on that long green grass! About three or four hours after they had been let in to their new area, I looked out and they were STILL eating as vorashiously as they had been when they were just let in. I was worried they would eat themselves sick!
Also this weekend, My hubby planted a cool weather garden. Peas, lima beans, lettuce, cabbage...and I forget what else....But we woke up this morning to snow.
We live in UTAH and normal planting season dosen't start until after mothers day, in may....So we both knew we had more snow coming.. But I always get spring fever, and am never happy to see snow. I guess it will water the seeds though.
Tonight I have my Medical terminology, law and ethics class...We are having a test, the last one of the class. So I should study and hope my pea brain remembers all of the information that has been thrust on to it during the last month...wish me luck!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Get to spend the night at home!
There is no school on friday...and thank god!
It is starting to feal like a second home, and even though I like it, I DO love my family more! On tonights agenda...pizza, and a movie! My favorite date night! No babysitters, no expensive dinners, candles are optional.
Hell, pants are optional!
Just the way I like it! Casual...
A few days ago I got the idea to move our existing fence structure around alittle differently. (WHERE DO I COME UP WITH THESE IDEAS???)
So this weekend I am cracking the whip, and we will all pitch in and move them around. I am trying to incorperate our pasture area with our yard alittle more. They have been seperate, and it works fine.
I would just like to be able to look out my window and actually see our animals! That and I don't particularly like to mow lawn...
also on the "to do" list for this weekend: clean the manure out of the barn, and till the garden!
It is starting to feal like a second home, and even though I like it, I DO love my family more! On tonights agenda...pizza, and a movie! My favorite date night! No babysitters, no expensive dinners, candles are optional.
Hell, pants are optional!
Just the way I like it! Casual...
A few days ago I got the idea to move our existing fence structure around alittle differently. (WHERE DO I COME UP WITH THESE IDEAS???)
So this weekend I am cracking the whip, and we will all pitch in and move them around. I am trying to incorperate our pasture area with our yard alittle more. They have been seperate, and it works fine.
I would just like to be able to look out my window and actually see our animals! That and I don't particularly like to mow lawn...
also on the "to do" list for this weekend: clean the manure out of the barn, and till the garden!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I think I am finally getting the hang of this school thing...
I have always had a problem with change, I'de much prefer the monotony of routine to the uncertain future of change.(And don't even get me started on politics...)
I aced my Medical terminology test...92%!!!(GO ME!) Looks like I am smarter then I give myself credit for! I have a test every Monday though, and I do hope my luck holds out.
Today, on the menu, I have to go and get a windshield and do imm/and inspection on the van. FUN FUN....
I think with each kid my 'definition of clean' has relaxed a bit. Now that I am going to school the word CLEAN seems like a forign word, all together forgotton. In favor of 'maintence' chores , like the laundry or dishes that pile as fast as you wash them or faster.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
guess I just needed a weekend!
fealing much better...A nice spring weekend. Got some new peepers, four new fancy feet chicks, and two baby turkeys! SOO cute!
We spent most of the weekend meandering around the pasure, enjoying the sunshine! (and avioiding the homework) Just what the Dr. ordered!
My goat girls are also in heat again, thinking I may put an ad on KSL for a billy who needs ...um...a fun weekend. I love it when they lift their upper lips(smelling for a stinky billy in the area), it looks so funny...So me being the dork I am, immediatly turn to my hubby and make my upper lip touch my nose...."hey baby, do I look sexy". Last year poor Baby (our pygmy) way humping the salt lick. She needs to have babys!!
In retrospect it seems we bought our turkeys a bit too early. I guess they only take 6 months until they eat more food, and start growing less. (food to growth ratio)
Anyway, we might be eating a fourty pound turkey dinner in September....(early Thanksgiving?)
OOPS! Now we know....for next year...you can never have too much turkey anyway!
And for now...they are soo cute!
We spent most of the weekend meandering around the pasure, enjoying the sunshine! (and avioiding the homework) Just what the Dr. ordered!
My goat girls are also in heat again, thinking I may put an ad on KSL for a billy who needs ...um...a fun weekend. I love it when they lift their upper lips(smelling for a stinky billy in the area), it looks so funny...So me being the dork I am, immediatly turn to my hubby and make my upper lip touch my nose...."hey baby, do I look sexy". Last year poor Baby (our pygmy) way humping the salt lick. She needs to have babys!!
In retrospect it seems we bought our turkeys a bit too early. I guess they only take 6 months until they eat more food, and start growing less. (food to growth ratio)
Anyway, we might be eating a fourty pound turkey dinner in September....(early Thanksgiving?)
OOPS! Now we know....for next year...you can never have too much turkey anyway!
And for now...they are soo cute!
Friday, March 13, 2009
so sick of homework
I am only taking two classes, I go M-TH 6-10 and its kicken my butt!
The program I am in is accelerated, witch apparently means that they send me home with impossible amounts of homework. My children forget what my face looks like when its not pointed in the direction of a computer, and I feal like I should have this laptop graphted to my fingers!
I guess this is my new life for at least the next eighteen months...what was I thinking???
On the brite side, I got to stay at home with the family tonight and watch a movie...while I was doing my homework.
Looking forward to the weekend! Despratly have to get caught up on housework...and play with the kids!
Who invented spreadsheets anyway? I would just die if I had to sit in an office all day and stare at spreadsheets. I spent about two hours figuring out a multiple choice quiz about spreadsheets then when I had finally finished, I went to submit it, and come to find out the damn internet connection had been lost. I had to start all over again.AHHHHH!
I will be happy to change sheets and dressings so long as I never have to see another spreadsheet as long as I live. Can't wait to be done with THAT class!
The program I am in is accelerated, witch apparently means that they send me home with impossible amounts of homework. My children forget what my face looks like when its not pointed in the direction of a computer, and I feal like I should have this laptop graphted to my fingers!
I guess this is my new life for at least the next eighteen months...what was I thinking???
On the brite side, I got to stay at home with the family tonight and watch a movie...while I was doing my homework.
Looking forward to the weekend! Despratly have to get caught up on housework...and play with the kids!
Who invented spreadsheets anyway? I would just die if I had to sit in an office all day and stare at spreadsheets. I spent about two hours figuring out a multiple choice quiz about spreadsheets then when I had finally finished, I went to submit it, and come to find out the damn internet connection had been lost. I had to start all over again.AHHHHH!
I will be happy to change sheets and dressings so long as I never have to see another spreadsheet as long as I live. Can't wait to be done with THAT class!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It is soo funny the games our mind plays on us.
In class they are having us watch a movie (1988- vhs) that plays "audio nyms" to help us learn and remember medical terms. It is soo old and cheesy...
Let me give you an example: to remember that gastr is for stomach, they show a picture of something that sounds like gastr in this case they used a gas truck, then they turn the gastruck, into a gastruck ,with a stomach in place of the gas tank...(that's an easy one, but they get increasingly disturbing and wierd!)
On Monday when we first started these bizzare movies I joked and laughed about having messed up dreams because of them...well I did! But that is beside the point. I made fun of the movies and their cheezyness (seriously, they are BAD!)
Well, today I logged on to do a practice test for that class, and I aced it. I missed a few, but when I went back to see why I missed them I remembered alot of the "off beat" pictures that the movie had attatched to the medical terms, to get my brain to remember! I bet I will remember them next time...I guess cheezyness and repetition have alot to do with the memory process...
Just thought it was funny!
The house re-arrangeing went. I won't say it went great, or smoothly, but it came, and it went! We spent all last weekend covered in paint.
We now have three bedrooms, ours just dosen't have a door.
I still have crap littering the house that has no "home" in witch to put it.
But we'll get it all put away, eventually. I can't believe that it has been a month since I have been on here! Time flys when your too busy to scratch your own ass, sorry, I talk like a sailor! Always have.
Thanks for making sure I am still alive, Yup still kick'en....barely!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
HMMMM.....Needed alittle spring cleaning, the page I mean...the house will come later(believe me!
Instead of adding on like we have been planning...since we moved in....TWO long years ago....we decided to hang on to our precious tax returns, after paying off those nasty credit cards...damn things!
SO the new plan of action is to build an illegal attic space(shhh, don't tell) the attic space will house all of the toys that accompany having four kids....I don't seem to be able to throw them out, they just accumulate......
At any rate it will allow us to fix the good van so we have reliable transportation again! (thank God!)
Basically the new plan consists of playing musical furniture and moving the couch and TV into the existing kitchen, and moving the existing kitchen(and its contense) into the existing laundry room...and moving the washer and dryer to the other side of where it is now....THEN we can move ALL of the toys into the attic, AND the kid's bed to where our bed is now, and OUR bed to where theres is....FOLLOW???
Its OK...there won't be a test....I hope well survive! I think it will be a VERY LONG weekend!
Also for school today the very nice and well meaning librarian took half of the class(me included) and shuffled us into the computer lab and proceeded to bore us all to death by teaching us 'computer skills' that 90% of us already knew....UG!!! SOO glad to be outta there!
Anyway, wish us luck on the house-rearranging! (why do I get myself into these things....) I feal like LUCY ........LUCY YOU GOT SOME 'SPLANEN TO DO!.......
Instead of adding on like we have been planning...since we moved in....TWO long years ago....we decided to hang on to our precious tax returns, after paying off those nasty credit cards...damn things!
SO the new plan of action is to build an illegal attic space(shhh, don't tell) the attic space will house all of the toys that accompany having four kids....I don't seem to be able to throw them out, they just accumulate......
At any rate it will allow us to fix the good van so we have reliable transportation again! (thank God!)
Basically the new plan consists of playing musical furniture and moving the couch and TV into the existing kitchen, and moving the existing kitchen(and its contense) into the existing laundry room...and moving the washer and dryer to the other side of where it is now....THEN we can move ALL of the toys into the attic, AND the kid's bed to where our bed is now, and OUR bed to where theres is....FOLLOW???
Its OK...there won't be a test....I hope well survive! I think it will be a VERY LONG weekend!
Also for school today the very nice and well meaning librarian took half of the class(me included) and shuffled us into the computer lab and proceeded to bore us all to death by teaching us 'computer skills' that 90% of us already knew....UG!!! SOO glad to be outta there!
Anyway, wish us luck on the house-rearranging! (why do I get myself into these things....) I feal like LUCY ........LUCY YOU GOT SOME 'SPLANEN TO DO!.......
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
thought it was cute...
If you've left the crayons to melt in the car,
And forgotten just where the car keys are,
There's a perfectly good way to explain:
You see, you've come down with "Mommy Brain."
When you're not sure where the past 8 hours went,
Or whether the phone bill check's been sent,
If you've left the laundry drying in the rain,
It's just---you guessed it---Mommy Brain.
If you find yourself chatting for hours on end
About diaper prices with your cyberfriends,
You've just caught a particularly virulent strain
Of that affliction known as Mommy Brain.
If you left your bags at the grocery store
Or completely forgot what you went there for,
If you called the cat by your baby's name,
You can bet that Mommy Brain's to blame.
And if you know the words to "Goodnight Moon" by heart, Or you study your sleeping babe like a work of art, If you're always surprised by how time is flying,
And the thought of that first birthday starts you crying...
It's unavoidable girls, and I feel your pain
For I, too, suffer from Mommy Brain.
But I'll admit one thing---of this I'm sure
I hope they never find a cure.
- Carlotta Eike Stankiewicz
If you've left the crayons to melt in the car,
And forgotten just where the car keys are,
There's a perfectly good way to explain:
You see, you've come down with "Mommy Brain."
When you're not sure where the past 8 hours went,
Or whether the phone bill check's been sent,
If you've left the laundry drying in the rain,
It's just---you guessed it---Mommy Brain.
If you find yourself chatting for hours on end
About diaper prices with your cyberfriends,
You've just caught a particularly virulent strain
Of that affliction known as Mommy Brain.
If you left your bags at the grocery store
Or completely forgot what you went there for,
If you called the cat by your baby's name,
You can bet that Mommy Brain's to blame.
And if you know the words to "Goodnight Moon" by heart, Or you study your sleeping babe like a work of art, If you're always surprised by how time is flying,
And the thought of that first birthday starts you crying...
It's unavoidable girls, and I feel your pain
For I, too, suffer from Mommy Brain.
But I'll admit one thing---of this I'm sure
I hope they never find a cure.
- Carlotta Eike Stankiewicz
mommy brain
Monday, February 2, 2009
Hello MeadowLark...
Sorry for being MIA so long...it just seems like we can't catch a break this year....(last year?) We went from my husband being laied off, to him being in the hospital, to BOTH of our piece of crap cars breaking down on the same day...what are the odds of that???
That is the equivilant of winning the lottery for bad luck, rite?
I could play the "economy screwed me" card... but the truth of it is, we knew it would be hard when we moved in to this two bedroom house with FOUR kids...and we knew that we paid too much money for it...we just neivley hoped that next year would be better....
well, that was two years ago, and suffice to say, it has not gotten better for ANYONE.
I have taken action though! I have enrolled in Stephens Henneger College, for nursing classes!(go me!)
So at least when the world goes to crap...I will be able to take care of someone I love....
Anyway...I still think of my internet buddies, I felt like I was a part of something...even if I was just sitting here all day reading about everyone'elses mis-adventures...So MeadowLark... Please forgive me for being a flaky girl...I am OH SO BUSY....just like everyone else is I am sure....:)
Just had a miniute thought I would say HI!
That is the equivilant of winning the lottery for bad luck, rite?
I could play the "economy screwed me" card... but the truth of it is, we knew it would be hard when we moved in to this two bedroom house with FOUR kids...and we knew that we paid too much money for it...we just neivley hoped that next year would be better....
well, that was two years ago, and suffice to say, it has not gotten better for ANYONE.
I have taken action though! I have enrolled in Stephens Henneger College, for nursing classes!(go me!)
So at least when the world goes to crap...I will be able to take care of someone I love....
Anyway...I still think of my internet buddies, I felt like I was a part of something...even if I was just sitting here all day reading about everyone'elses mis-adventures...So MeadowLark... Please forgive me for being a flaky girl...I am OH SO BUSY....just like everyone else is I am sure....:)
Just had a miniute thought I would say HI!
just checking in
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